The 'rubbish' Setlist

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I'm a few days late because I kinda forgot this book existed but anyway;

It's all you see on twitter

Complaining about how 'bad' the setlist is

"There's no golden!!!!" YoU'vE bEeN gIvEn ThE cHaNcE tO hAvE iT aCoUsTiC bUt Do YoU sEe AnYoNe VoTiNg It? NO

The actual setlist isn't that bad

I think it's pretty decent if I say so myself

I mean we've got shades on and that my friends is a b o p. We have same to you, another banger

Hair Too Long!!!!! BEST SONG ON THERE

Then we have all the songs that half got them to where they are today

I know it's upsetting that another world and high hopes and all the underrated songs aren't on the setlist, but they have to have all the singles that got them to doing arena tours if you get what I mean

Anyway, my shows next Friday and I'm buzzing for it


p.s. Tris & Ana are the cutest if you think otherwise we can't be friends sorry

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