Bff problems

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Imagine you and Justin just got in a argument but you guys are best friends

"Y/N stop I know I heard you a million times stop" Justin yelled t me

"No you don't listen Justin she's playing with your feelings listen to me I heard her over talking on the phone Justin please" you begged Justin


At that moment you got your purse and left with no word

"Y/N stop I'm sorry" you couldn't hear the rest because you a slammed the door shut and didn't wanna listen to him

2 hours later

Your phone was none stop going off missed calls and text messages for Justin

Justin💖: Please Y/N I sorry I love you please answer me

I was thinking about answering it

Y/N: what do u want remember Justin I need to shut the fuck up

Justin💖: Open your door please

You realized your mom had let Justin in but you room door was locked

"Go away I don't wanna talk to you"

"Y/N I'm sorry I love you I didn't mean to tell you that open this door"

You got up and walked to the door and opened it Justin was standing there with red puffy eyes

"What do you want Justin?"

"I want you baby I love you not as a friend as a whole another level"

Be for you could say anything Justin kissed you

"Babe I love you and I never wanna lose you that will be my last thought"

You kissed back and after you knew it you were both naked

"Baby scream my name"Justin said

"J--jjuustin" you moaned but at this moment no one was in the house no even your mom

"Baby after please faster ugh"
Justin sucked on your next while going faster

"Babe I'm going to cum"

With that you both cummed at the same time and you fell asleep in Justin's arms


If you want a little imagine about you

Tell me you name ?

Tell me what you want dirty dad happy

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