Meeting up again (end)

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*Ant's POV*

"Lisa, do you think I should invite Dec and Ali round, just for a chat? We've not spoken to them in a few days," I asked.
"Yeah, that would be lovely," she replied. I decided to send Dec a text

Ant: Hey man. How are you?

Dec: I'm ok. How about you?

Ant: I'm good. I finally believe you and Lisa. Do you want to come round with Ali later?

Dec: Yeah, sure! She believes me too now. I presume she told you about our little argument.

Ant: Yeah, she did. Is she all ok about that now?

Dec: we're fine now. I'll see you later. I'm gonna watch a film with Ali.

Ant: Ok man. Bye

*Dec's POV*

Later that day, me and Ali went to see Ant and Lisa. They greeted us and everything was ok. We soon got talking about the past few days
"I'm so glad that's all over now," Lisa said.
"Me too. I hated being mad at you," Ant replies
"So, do you two believe us now?" I ask. Ali looked at me with a sweet smile and said, "Of course we do. They were just silly rumours"

AN: Hey again. Thanks so much for reading this story. Your support means a lot to me.

-Jenny (;


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