Ten: Thank you.

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Note: All characters, names, situations are fictitious.


It was Saturday so I had my day off, so as Marco. He called me earlier to tell me that he would be here at 1:00 pm so I took a quick shower and dressed up, it was 12:50 and my phone beeps, I checked.

"Hallo beautiful, I am outside." I read

I opened the door for him and a few minutes later he was outside my door knocking it.

"Hallo." He said walking in and giving me a peck, I smiled.

He looked so handsome oh my god!

"Hallo." I replied closing the door.

He entered quickly and was holding a box wrapped in black paper, it had a golden knot on it. He was smiling now.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I asked and he walked towards me.

"This is for you." He said handing me the gift.

I took it between my hands, it was kind of heavy. I didn't know what to expect.

"Oh my god, this is kind oh heavy." I said and he laughed.

"Danke my love." I said and he stopped laughing and looked at me intensely.

He leaned to give me a kiss.

"I love it when you call me My love." He said smiling.

"Open it." He demanded pointing at his gift.

I ripped off the black wrapping paper and it revealed a beautiful wooden box. It was small but heavy and I noticed that it had some designs.

"What is this?" I asked brushing my tips on the surface.

He touched my finger and started guiding me thru the design.

"It's a lotus flower – He said letting out a sight – like the one in your bracelet." He said caressing my wrist.

I look up and saw him, his eyes were greener than other days, they were anxious and were looking at me intensely. His hands were shaking a bit but his touch was warm and felt nice. #OMG

"You like it?" He asked smiling a bit and I nodded.

"It's beautiful Marco, I love it." I said looking down to the box.

"I design it for you." He said caressing my cheek.

"Danke – I said smiling and blushing – Thank you so much, No one ever has given me a gift like this." I spoke truthfully.

"You're welcome." He said kissing me softly.

Thank you - Marco Reus Mini SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now