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How to hype your partner (I'll probably use female pronouns bc im dating a girl)
- post about them randomly bc in my expirence it's amazing to have a random sweet post about me 
- send them sweet paragraphs
- send them sweet goodnight or good morning messages so they know you thought about them
- if you miss them?¿ tELL THEM
- if you wanna skype to call them?? DO IT. YOU'RE DATING. THEY'LL THINK ITS SWEET YOU'RE ADMITTING IT.
- nothing shows true love more than screenshotting their bomb asf selfies on snapchat or commenting a sweet compliment bc yeah they'll get them from other people but yoURE THE ONE DATING THEM IT'LL MEAN SO MUCH MORE
- if they send you nudes you better fucking compliment the shit outta them bc that takes a lot of self confidence and trust to send theM SO YOU BETTER ALMOST CRASH OR CHOKE ON A DRINK WHEN YOU SEE THOSE BAD BOYS
- support them
- send them sweet messages when they're feeling sick or if you can go to their house
- maybe a lil random present
- saying I love you randomly just bc well you love them

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