In case any of you were wondering what my talents are they include
- reading 18 different books at a time
- reading really fast
- crying over grown men
- wanting to die on a daily basis
- writing about gay sex like it's mah job
- being am edgy emo meme
- making jokes about my emotions so people don't worry
- coming up with a plot at any minute of every day
- seriously I can look at a tree and have 5 plots
- finishing a series in a unhealthy amount of days
- pointing out my flaws
- hating everything
- again dud I mention I'm just an edgy meme
- finding the weirdest fanfic ever
- coming up with plots that'll get me sent to hell
- telling people I'm gay 24/7
- somehow mentioning my girlfriend in every conversation even if the conversation is anything from Donald Trump to cats
- I'm really good at petting cats and dogs and screaming every time I see an animal
- I'm really good at being a 5 year old or an actual old grouchy person
- being insecure as hell despite the compliments I could receive
- being depressed but making really bad puns about it that probably make people worry about me ??
- seriously I made drinking bleach jokes and my mom sat me down and asked if I was suicidal again
- skype for long periods of time
- listening to people's problems and giving the best advice I can
- roasting my gay egg friend
- memorizing a song after hearing it like 2 times
- being salty af for no reason
- being able to hate multiple people
- being able to walk the isles for Barnes and Noble for hours
-failed suicide attempts
-being SEMI problematic
-being tRiGgErEd
- screeching song lyrics
- crying for every emotion