Chapter 1

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My name is Beatrix Fay. Beatrix means one who brings joy/happiness and Fay means little fairy. Some people call me Fay for short. I have short, red hair and green eyes. I'm 23 years old today so, let's go celebrate it!

I woke up from my weird dream. I was dreaming that a velociraptor was chasing me around my house. Weird. Anyway, I woke up and did my morning routine. Sit on the bed for a while, prepare coffee, take shower and think about life decisions, dry off, get dressed, eat breakfast and brush my teeth. I was making breakfast when I herd a door open and see mom walking down stares. My mom is an Air Force Technical Sergeant. So I rarely see her. She got the opportunity to visit home just for 3 days. She came home yesterday and she's leaving tomorrow. I already have a few friends sending me happy birthday messages and asking me if they wanted to hang out with me. I told them I couldn't cause I'm going to spend the entire day with my mom. They understood and told me to say hi for them. "Good morning, mom." I greeted with a smile. "Good morning, sweetie." She greeted back with a smile. I finished making the pancakes and put 3 in each plate. I put the plates on the table and she sat down. I poured 2 glasses of orange juice and gave one to her. "Thank you." She thanked. "No problem." I said back. I say down and started eating with her.

We talked about how are life's were. About how she was doing on her work and what I was doing. She asked me if I found a job yet. I said I didn't. I recently graduated from college, I studied nursing. She and other Air Force people that knew me were there. We finished our breakfast and I washed the dishes. I grabbed my car keys and we left. We went to the movies, mall and just went out for a car ride. Sometimes she was getting phone calls and she had to speak privately. From work, I guess. Anyway, we enjoyed our day and it was around 6:37 p.m. that we decided to get home. We got home and I parked my car on the garage. I was gonna get the stuff we bought but, she told me to leave it there. I nodded, confused. Instead of walking in the garage door, she pulled me outside to get into the house from the front door. I looked at her confused and she just smiled. I open the door and turned the light on. "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" My friends jumped up and screamed. I jumped slightly and looked at them surprised. "What?" I said surprised. "I called them to come over and make a little party." Said mom. "No wonder you were talking to someone so secretly!" I said and smiled. "Thank you, everyone!" I said and they all smiled. "Come on! Check out your cake!" Sarah said excitedly and pulled me over to the table, mom close behind. I look at my cake and grin widely.

 I look at my cake and grin widely

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A Blink-182 cake. I've been wanting to have this cake when I first heard their songs. "Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" I said happily. "You're welcome, sweetheart." Said mom and they all started singing Happy Birthday. I stood there smiling and looking happy but, I was freaking out. Their singing, what do I do? Who do I look at? What's going on? Why are bananas yellow? They finished and I blew out the candles. They clapped and mom went to look for plates, utensils and a knife. "Who wants cake?" She asked and we all yelled, "ME!" and we waited for our piece of cake. Mom gave me the first price and I thanked her. We all ate cake and talked. "Present time!" Sarah yelled. "You guys graduated college and are acting like children." Teased mom, smiling. "That's how we do!" I said and they each handed my presents. I got new clothes, jewelry, and a new perfume.
We all hanged out for a while until everyone left to go home. Everyone helped clean up and left. It was 9:25 p.m. Me and mom were tired. "Well, I'm going to sleep, I have to leave tomorrow so I have to get ready." Mom said and I nodded. We said our goodnights and left to our rooms. I changed into some comfy pajamas and I went to my computer. I had a message. "Happy Birthday, Beatrix!" It read and I smiled. "Thank you, Rodimus!" I wrote back. You're probably wondering who that is, right?(No you're not) That's Rodimus Prime, Captain of The Lost Light. They contact me a few weeks ago. They wanted me to come with them and help them in some stuff, mostly helping Ratchet in the medibay, since I was a nurse and I had a basic understanding in cars and other desalted stuff. I was wondering why they choose me but, I'm happy they did. I've been getting to know each of them. They're all so amazing! I love their stories about Cybertron and other stuff. They wanted me to come live in their space ship. They already have all the stuff that I need and if anything runs out, they will take care of it. They wanted me to go once they talked to me, but I declined. Since my birthday was in a few weeks and mom was visiting and I rarely see her. They understood and waited. Once mom leaves I will get a few stuff ready and leave with them.
I told them I had to go to sleep and that I will talk to them tomorrow. We said our goodbye's and I shut off my computer. I go to bed and dream about life on the ship but, I'm getting an off feeling.

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