Chapter 3

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I woke up from my long nap and stretched. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I dry off and put on my clothes(she's gonna wear the same thing. Always.). I went to the kitchen and ate some cereal. I went to Swerve's to talk to him, since everyone was busy. "Hey, Swerve!" I greeted with a smile. "Hey, Fay!" He greeted back with a smile. We started talking about anything. He also threw some jokes around and so did I. How could some one not like him?! He's awesome and funny! I mean, yeah, he talks a lot, but I don't mind. I asked about why didn't I see Drift and rewind. He told me about what happened and I feel really sad. I feel really bad for them. Specially for Chromedome. He lost his best friend. At least, he saved him from Overlord's wrath. And Drift took the blame for all of it. That really bumped me out, but Swerve told me some jokes to cheer me up.
After hanging out with Swerve for a while, I decided to visit Ratchet, First Aid and Ambulon. Since, they're doctors and I'm a nurse. I searched for the Medibay. But, failed miserably. So I had to ask someone. I saw Tailgate walking down the hall and I asked him if he could show me the way to the Medibay. He gladly agreed and let me on his servo. He took me to the Medibay and I thanked him and he left. I saw Ratchet working on something and First Aid was talking to Ambulon. I walk up to Ratchet and got his attention. "Hey, Ratchet. Need any help?" I asked. "Not really. But, if you want? I can teach you a few things. You are a nurse, right? You should know a few things about us." He suggested and I nodded. He lend down a servo and I jump on it. He lifted me up and I jumped to the table.

He thought me a few things about Cybertronians and how they work. Their illnesses, poisons, cures, etc. He also gave me some stuff to read. After a while, Rodimus came in. "Hey, wanna go on a little quest?"

We're going to Luna 1. The Miracle Moon. Rodimus was gathering a little team. I asked to go, but, of course, they said no. Well, Ratchet said no. Rodimus was thinking about. He said it was really dangerous, but didn't mind me coming with them. After begging and begging, I finally convinced Ratchet. How? I honestly don't remember how I did it, but I did it. I thought it was going to be a long trip so I packed the things I needed.
"You're not getting a speech. Not today. Life's too short. I just want to know what happened to Magnus. Anything else is a bonus." Said Rodimus.
"Okay, so according to the scanner, Magnus' shuttle is somewhere nearby. Time to break out the M.A.A.B.S and play 'Hunt the crewmember'." Said Rodimus. "Wait, M.A.R.B.S or M.A.A.M.S?" Asked Brainstorm. ""M.A.A.B.S" or "M.A.A.B.S?" What?" Said Rodimus confused. "Mobile Autobot repair bay, or mobile anti-assault battle suit?" Asked Brainstorm. "The ones that turn into the cool ones, the battle suits." "Right. We don't have any of those." "Then why ask if-? FINE. In that case..."

*Time skip*

We are now on Luna 1. Rodimus, Rung, Chromedome, Perceptor, Ratchet and me were on the vehicle things. While Cyclonus, Whirl and Brainstorm were flying. Rodimus and Rung were on one together. Ratchet, Tailgate and me were together on one. Chromedome and Perceptor were on different ones. "Talk about Barren. Just a mountain range of...flatness." Said Tailgate. "You know we could just drive. Sometimes I wonder why we even have alt modes." Said Chromedome. "Can you hear us, Max?" Asked Rodimus. I don't know what they were saying to Rodimus. "Yes, actually. Just approaching it now." Said Rodimus as we approached a cockpit. "No sigh of Magnus. Cockpit's been smashed.....outside in." Said Rodimus. "Let's have a closer look." Said Rodimus as he step off the vehicle. But, as soon as he did, a blue light appeared everywhere. "I don't know. But I think we just found out life signs." Said Rodimus. "Sparks?" Asked Chromedome. "Yup. A billion unborn Cybertronians. You said this place was barren, Tailgate; you were wrong. It's the opposite. It's teeming with life. Seething." Said Rodimus smiling. "It's a hot spot. We're standing on a giant hot spot. A re-ignited hot spot." Said Ratchet smiling. We were all smiling. This is amazing. Those are unborn Cybertronians? Amazing. "But why now? Why wasn't it active when we arrived?" Asked Rodimus "It's obvious. Isn't it obvious?" Said Brainstorm "It's not obvious." "You did it. The whole moon was fertilized the moment you stepped off your M.A.R.B. Seriously,your feet touched the ground and VOMF!" Said Brainstorm. "You feel ok?" Asked Ratchet, checking Rodimus. "I don't know. Yes. You really think I did this? I mean, I S'pose I am carrying the matrix. Well, half a matrix. Well, half an empty matrix. Maybe there's a connection." Said Rodimus. "I've never seen a hot spot before." SaidTailgate, getting a closer look to one of the glowing blue orbs. "Nor me. Not up close. Not an active one. By the time I came online. Most of them had cooled." Said Chromedome. "You were constructed cold?" Asked Rung "I was, yes." Answered Chromedome. "You lot are always talking about 'constructed cold'." Said Tailgate. "I think the terminology changed over the years. Constructed cold means you were built from scratch and given life using a sample taken from someone else's spark." Explained Ratchet. "Oh, spark splicing. Yep, know about that. One of Nova's big ideas." Said Tailgate. "We're you constructed cold? Don't worry, it's not a trick question. I was anti-apartheid, went on a marches and everything: "Equal rights for knock-offs!". Eh?" Said Brainstorm. "Ignore him, he thinks it's four million years ago and he's being progressive. Suffice to say that after Nova left, certain city states "proved" that people like him were...substandard." Said Chromedome. "I was forged born under the starts Ina field like this one. Sown and harvested. Natured. Perfected." Said Whirl. "Rodimus? You need to see this." Said Cyclonus.
"I'm telling you, it's a point one Perceptor." Said Brainstorm. "Can we please not jump to conclusions." Said Perceptor. "Look at the color! It's a superspark! We could be looking at the next Optimus Prime or Ultra Magnus! Okay, yes, maybe the next scorponok or shockwave, but..." Said Brainstorm. "What are you-" said Perceptor but got interrupted by Brainstorm. "Harvesting it." "No, because harvesting it takes skill, and patience, and time. You can't just- you can't just do precisely what you're doing now...!" Practically yelled Perceptor. "I don't hear Rodimus telling me to stop." Said Brainstorm. I could even hear a smile on his voice. "Haven't you got to remove a really specific amount of the- what's the scientific name? The Sanrio metallico? The stuff around the spark. I'm sure there's an equation..." Said Whirl. "Rodimus, please tell me you're not going to let him remove-" said Perceptor but got cut off my Rodimus. "Where are you gonna put it, Brainstorm? In you'r briefcase?" Asked Rodimus. "I wasn't, but if I did... Oh man. You've just blown my mind." Said Brainstrom. "I don't think this is a good idea." I said sweat dropping. "This is wrong. The ground hasn't even been consecrated." Said Cyclonus. "This does make me a little uncomfortable, Rodimus. Not only are we stealing, but we're stealing life. Raw life." Said Rung. "Stealing from whom? And in any case, it's not stealing, it's saving: it want viable 'til I turned up." Said Rodimus. "So what about all the other sparks? Are you going to "save" them all, or just the green-" said Rung but got cut of by a blast. "TRESPASSERS!" Yelled a cybertronian. I'm guessing a Decepticon from the badge on his chest. "Don't engage! There's to many of them! Head for the mountains and find somewhere to hide!" Ordered Rodimus. When we were about to do that, Ratchet and I were hit. "That was a nasty fall, Ratchet." Said someone. "Pharma?" Said Ratchet, weakly and a red, blue and white cybertronian with a chainsaw was infront of us. "Need a hand?" Said smirking. 'Oh no.' I thought scared. Ratchet was unconscious and Pharma grabbed him by the neck. "Lockdown? It's Pharma...Hm? Yes, yes, "Mad Doctor Pharma." Very clever. Very witty. Listen, I've just picked up my present and the excitement's got the better of me: I'm gonna take him home and open him. I'll tell our lord and master that you're still playing chase with the others. Don't stay out to late!" Said Pharma smirking. 'No.' I thought hopelessly. He stopped talking to whoever it was and looked at me. "Oh, and what is this? A human? I didn't know Ratchet had a pet. I wonder why they picked you. Let's find out." Said Pharma chuckling. I looked at Ratchet one more time before I blacked out.

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