Fate, Again

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Elowen Adley looked at me, eyes confused and wild. I am sure my eyes looked just as wild, filled with longing and confusion, but mostly longing.

"Why'd you stop Noah?" Elowen Adley asked, feeling self conscious. She had wrapped her arms around her stomach. I could touch her now. It hurt to touch her after I knew her end and she had absolutely no idea. But I was selfish and it felt comforting to touch someone else. To touch her.

I put my hands around her face, her cheeks in my palms. My heart broke as I looked into her eyes. She didn't have much time left and our time was already up.

"I am so sorry, Elowen Adley. I have to go." I said, the words burned my throat. They didn't want to come out but I forced them to.

"What the hell?" She asked, confused, hurt.

"I wish I could explain everything to you but I just can't." No one knew, no one would ever know. Then she stared to cry and I kissed her again because I didn't know what else to do. I wanted to ease her pain.

"You can't just leave me, Noah. We were meant to be friends." Her voice broke on the last sentence.

"I don't think we are meant to be anything more than what happened tonight." I said quietly.

"You think? Noah, fate can be changed. We have the power to change everything that happens between the day we are born until the day we die. And I chose you, Noah Blake." She said through her tears. According to the dream, I didn't choose her. I knew you could not change fate because I prayed and I prayed and I prayed everyday after I realized my death dreams were real that my mother wouldn't die the way she died. I tried to take so many precautions, to make sure she was always safe. But fate was fact and my prayers meant absolutely nothing.

"I'm sorry." I said to her, feeling the same heartache she felt. She looked at me with so much pain and anger. Then she got up from the ground and I got up too, grabbing onto her wrist before she walked too far away.

"Please, just do me one favor. Go to the hospital. Make sure you're healthy." I knew I sounded crazy, I knew it. But I couldn't just let her go without saying anything when I knew. I had some ounce of hope in me that if she caught the disease early that maybe, just maybe, she'd make it. And that maybe, just maybe, we'd meet again. It was stupid to hope, but I had to hope. It was the only thing keeping me going right now.

Elowen Adley looked at me like I was absolutely out of my mind. "Go to hell, Noah." She said, then spun around and walked off. I stood there defeated. Those last words of hers, the last words I would ever hear leave her lips, ringing in my ears.

I stood there dumbstruck. Every thing had happened so fast and I could feel the earth spinning. Realizing I'd need to find some way to get home, I walked out of the forest, greeted by the sight of where Elowen Adley's car used to be. The empty space made my skin prickle, my breath catch. I walked down the street that seemed to be endless, in hopes of finding a pay phone. Elowen Adley had stolen my bike. Elowen Adley had stolen my heart. And now I'd have to live life with nothing but a taste of the love we could have shared, if love and fate weren't so cruel when written together.

The problem is though, with a curse like this, you could never have a happy ending. Happiness was nothing but a fleeting moment, an illusion. Elowen Adley gave me false happiness and I soaked it up, like a wilting flower fighting for it's life.

I knew it was a mistake letting her in but I lied to myself, I didn't want it to be.
If I hadn't met her, I wouldn't have had a taste of love. Maybe I wasn't in love with her, it was too soon to be sure, but I could've loved her. I could have loved her.

And I would have, if I had been different. If I hadn't had to see her death flash before my eyes. If I wouldn't have had to leave her like that, knowing she didn't have much longer. But that was fate. Fate was cruel and unforgiving and utterly beautiful all at the same time. And just like I was fated to almost love Elowen Adley Medina and she was fated to almost love me, it was also in my fate to leave her.

I lived my life in fear, always anxious about when the next physical contact I'll have with someone would occur. Always dreading that next death dream. And it left me here, walking aimlessly down a dark road. Leaving Elowen Adley as nothing more than a memory I may have just dreamed.

"We have the power to change everything that happens between the day we are born until the day we die. And I chose you, Noah Blake." Her soft words echoed in my head, like a siren luring me back into the ocean. I wanted to walk until I drowned. I wanted to run back to her, find her and hold her again because the worst had already happened. Elowen Adley was so sure and it comforted me. She made me feel a sense of security that I had never experienced. Could I change my fate? I was so used to letting it control me.

Who is Noah Blake? A boy who is controlled by fate, a boy who lives a scripted life. I let my fear control me and I let it take Elowen Adley away from me. The night sky consumed me, Elowen Adley's eyes, words, and soul shouting down at me from the stars. They taunted me. I wanted the sky to collect me whole, to let me be lost in her. But fate was written and it read that Elowen Adley was the sky and I was the ground beneath and we were fated to never be.

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