Chapter 21- It's Courtney Bitches

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NOTE: The next three chapters was originally one but I split it up lol. Was way too long.

Courtney's POV.

It was Thursday and I sat at lunch with the others thinking about ways to get school cancelled next week. I seriously need to take a look at Dawn's new school. That and beat the shit out of Leo. When I brought him up I saw something flash in her eyes. I'm not sure what it was but I was positive it wasn't good.

"Hey guys!" I called for their attention. The talk and laughter died down and heads turned towards me. "We skipping class after lunch, it's important." There were grunts of yeahs and whatever.

"Why?" Shelly asked. I never liked her but she was Micheal's current girlfriend so she sat with us.

"Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies."I quoted.

"Tell me or I'm not coming." She crossed her arms and jutted her chin out.

"Don't come then, no love lost here." I shrugged.

"Fine." She huffed.

"Fine." I mimicked her. A few of the others chuckled.


"So guys some dude's made our Dawn cry and now she's all gloomy." We were behind the bleachers.

"Wait. Dawn...cried." Dalvin asked disbelievingly.

"Yep."I shook my head sadly. "Frankly I miss her loads, so I was planning on visiting her this weekend."

"Cool,so can we come?" Micheal asked.

"Yea,but I don't just want the weekend I was thinking about the whole of next week or at least half."

"But we have school and I can't ditch again." He said.

"That's why we're gonna get it cancelled." I smirked evilly.

"How?" They looked at me like I was crazy.

"Here's the plan."


"We need everyone to evacuate the school immediately. There as been a gas leak. Please leave in an orderly manner." The principal's voice said from the intercom. I smirked and walked out of the school calmly as others scrambled to get out.

That was way to easy. I made a couple of powerful gases and when last period came around we ditched again so we could pour it around the school. There is something to get rid of it but only I know. That stench will be there for weeks if not.

I meet the others outside. "That brilliant brain of yours and you use it for evil." Kate shook her head smiling.

"Okay kids no need to panic. I'm sorry to say that school will be cancelled until we can figure this out." The principal spoke into the blow horn.

"Wooooah!" Everyone cheered.

"Now all that's left is to ask our parents."


We were driving to Willow Star's valley On Saturday morning. We wanted to get there as early as possible. Dalvin, Micheal, Kate, Derek, Hailey and I were going. Micheal broke up with Shelly because she didn't want him to go. He liked Dawn so much more than some clingy slut. Thank God. The ride was painfully long ugh. We had to stop like five times because people kept wanting to use to the bathroom. Not to mention names *cough-kate-cough*. When we finally arrived I my butt was numb.

I honked my horn and leaned against the car looking fly as ever.

"COURTNEY!!!!!!!!"I forgot she had some major lungs.

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