Chapter 35- Chaos

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Dawn's POV.

I paced the living room biting my nails. I was practically ripping my hair out. I wanted so badly to go out there and help but the house was completely surrounded. Leo ordered the guards not to let me or any other of their women pass.


That was the tenth pained howl I'd heard in the last three minutes. I was actually losing my mind standing here doing nothing. My pack was out there fighting for me and I'm behind the side lines like a coward.

"Ahhh!" I felt pain in my leg. Oh no. "Leo's hurt!" I said aloud and rushed to the door. Sean, one of the guards blocked my path and set his hand on my shoulders.

"Calm down, Leo's fine." He tried to reassure me. "He stronger than you think."

"You think I don't know that!" I spat at him. I didn't mean to direct my anger at him but I was frustrated and he was the closest target. "I know that better than you do, but I can't sit back and watch as he risks his life for me. I need to go out there." I was breathing heavily after my miniature rant.

"I know that you must be really frustrated but I need you to relax. Before you know it, Leo will be back in your arms, okay?" He said liked he'd rehearsed his lines.

"Okay." I bowed my head in mock defeat. If he thinks that I'm giving up that easily he's got another thing coming. "I need some water." I turned and made my way to the kitchen.

I stood before the sink with a glass of water in my hand. I could see Sean's reflection in the window in front of me.He hovered slightly, not trusting me. "You can leave you know, it's not like I'm gonna slice my wrists." I snapped.

He looked a little embarrassed at being caught and quickly retreated into the living room. I set the glass down and waited a few seconds to make sure he was gone before I slide the window open as quietly as possible. There were wolves patrolling the entire house. Every ten seconds a wolf would pass in front of this window. If I timed it right I would be able to escape without them noticing for at least a minute and twenty seconds.

I stared out the window with a lost look on my face. A reasonable size wolf passed my window and slowed down to shoot me a sympathetic look. I growled inwardly as he ruined the time difference. He flinched back from my cold look and speed up.i wouldn't have time to jump out the window.The other wolf would be here in 5....4...3...2...and there. As soon as he was past my window I jumped out as quickly as possible and made a dash for the woods.

After being a reasonable distance from the house changed directions and heading towards the battle field. "Dawn!" I heard Sean's voice belting from behind me. That was quick.

I wasted no time in shifting to my brown wolf. I burst through the tree of the clearing and the enemy wolves wasted no time in attacking.

Malik's POV

I was busy fighting when I saw from the corner of my eye Dawn's brown wolf come into the clearing. That three second distraction was enough for the other wolf to get a shot in. He ripped at my calfs. I howled in pain. Out of no where Skylar's wolf tackled my attack to the ground and let out a feral growl. She tore at his neck until he laid limp and lifeless.

'What are you dong here?" I thought to her.

'Saving my mate.' She replied proudly.

'I'm suppose to protect you, not the other way around.' I said.

'Too bad cause I'm not going to lose you because of your pride. Now fight!' She ordered.

We fought side by side watching each others backs.

Leo's POV.

I was deep in a battle the alpha when Dawn's sent hit me. I swiveled in it's direction and saw her fighting a wolf twice her size. Even though she was doing fairly good on her own , my wolf and I couldn't help but feel threatened and blood thirsty for the wolf trying to hurt her. The alpha took this to his advantage and bit into my torso. I shook him off and growled ferociously. I struck him and paying no attention to my wound and raced over to Dawn. No one hurts my mate, no one.

"Skylar no!" I faintly heard Malik yell in the background. I paid him no heed.

Dawn stopped mid battle and pivoted in time to see me and her eyes widened in fear. Why?

Dawn's POV.

I was in a blind rage, attacking the wolf that threatened my pack, my family. Leo was right, we are all a family. We'd have each other's back no matter what.

"Skylar no!" Malik yelled. I sensed something was wrong and whatever happened next was going to decide everything.

I twirled around and my eyes widened in fear as Skylar stood bare in her human form holding up a gun. A silver bullet gun. There was nothing we could do. We were too late. The entire clearing went silent as she aimed and fired. The gunshot ricochetted off the surrounding trees and succumbed us to darkness. 



Sorry for the short chapter. We are close to the end, just two more chapters!! I can't believe this.I want to thank everyone who supported me and read my book. It really means a lot. If you like this book please vote, share and comment. It's up for watty awards so please vote.

A few things:

1.  What do you guys think about a sequel?

2. What about a spin off with Courtney? Remember she saw A giant Leo wolf rush across the screen over Skype. 

3. Is anyone interested in making me a book cover? :)

 Is anyone interested in making me a book cover? :)

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