SiChul Part 2

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"Hold these," Heechul continued to speak, dropping the condoms in Siwon's hand and pushing passed him. "I need a drink."

Siwon watched with raised brows as Heechul slunk across the room towards the kitchen, his heels clicking loudly against the wood floor and the garters running up the back of his thighs stretching as he moved. He was beyond confused by the situation and unable to think of a single thing to say to the beautiful man now bent over in his kitchen as he plundered his wine fridge.

"This one looks expensive," Heechul chirped, choosing a pricey bottle of red Sassicaia wine. "Where do you keep your cork screw?"

"In the drawer by the sink," Siwon answered, tossing the row of condoms Heechul had handed him on the coffee table before moving over to the kitchen and leaning against the counter.

"Do you have anything to eat? I haven't eaten since the plane and I'm starving." Heechul continued to babble as he produced a corkscrew from the drawer and began opening the bottle in his hands.

"Wait," Siwon interrupted, his eyes finally focusing on the label on the wine bottle. "Don't open that."

"Too late," Heechul chuckled as he popped the cork on the wine and tossed it into the sink.

"That's a 250,000 won bottle of wine," Siwon frowned, "I was saving it for a special occasion."

"This is a special occasion," Heechul pointed out as he swiped two wine glasses off the rack by the stove and began pouring the wine. "I'm standing in your kitchen dressed like a girl offering to have sex with you. How much more special can it get? I don't cross dress for just anyone, Siwon-ah."

"Just thousands of fans,"

"Are you jealous of E.L.F?" Heechul chuckled, placing Siwon's glass of wine on the counter in front of him before turning to rummage through the fridge. "Yes, I cross dress for the fans, but I don't do it in their bedrooms and I sure as hell don't sleep with them."

"I guess," Siwon answered, his words trailing off as he watched Heechul bend over and dig through the refrigerator, his ass in the air as he pulled open the fruit drawer and dug through its contents.

Not able to contain himself any longer, Siwon rounded the kitchen counter and came to a stop behind his houseguest. Before he knew what he was doing, he had his hands on the older's barely covered ass. Heechul jumped in surprise at the sudden contact, standing up straight in one quick motion and hitting his head on the inside of the refrigerator.

"Damn it!" Heechul cursed, turning around and facing Siwon as he rubbed the top of his head. "What are you doing? I didn't say you could touch me yet. Look what you made me do. I'm supposed to be seducing you, not smacking my head like a...,"

Heechul's rambling was cut off by Siwon's lips on his and a pair of strong arms around his waist. Siwon always knew the best ways to shut him up. Eagerly kissing the younger back, Heechul wrapped his arms around Siwon's neck and crooked one of his stocking adorned legs around the younger man's hip. Taking Heechul's response to his advance as a good sign, Siwon moved his hands down the feminine man's back and under his firm backside. He then lifted the older off the ground and placed him on the counter next to the open refrigerator.

A soft moan left Heechul's plush lips as Siwon moved his lips from his mouth to his neck. Spreading his hands across Siwon's sculpted back, Heechul tilted his head to the side to allow Siwon better access. Siwon traced his fingertips along the top of Heechul's high waist shorts as his sucked a bruise on the beautiful man's neck, marking him as his own. Heechul groaned in response to the small amount of pain and gently pushed Siwon away.

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