Chapter One

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   Not edited. Sorry for the wait, I had major writers block and school kept me busy. The next chapter should be out sooner than this. Thank you for reading.

    Minutes upon of minutes ticked past and not a word was spoken. Everyone was shocked by the overload of news, even Melody it seemed. A cool breeze swept through the meadow, bring a the news of change, and snapping everyone out of their thoughts. Whisperers once again started from the crowd.

        "M-melody, are you o-k," Evelynn asked softly, voice cracking the slightest bit, eyes clouded with tears and shadowed with concern.

         Mel lifted her head toward the coven leader, her eyes, lost of fire, showed her answer. Evelynn, seemingly at a loss for the first time I have ever seen, glanced to the group.

       "Everyone don't be alarmed, it will be alright. We will have the healer take care of her and I will personally see to that the counsel hears about this. They will take care of everything."    

        What was said so became, for the most part.


        We, Tamira, Evelynn, Eira, Rossa and I had gathered around the television in my coven leaders plain wooded cabin just a short walk away from the Call's meadow. I was a bit surprised at it only being a TV, Evelynn had always made the communication to the elusive counsel so mysterious. They were contacted not long ago and waiting for the response we were. Surly, they would answer to such a crisis quickly.

        The blank screen flickered, sending a glow of white light form the formerly black rectangle. The white bled to a myriad of color, twisting and whirling into the thirteen velvet hooded figures of the counsel. I was told the cloaks were for identify protection but I think it is because it lets them bring a some mystery into all of this.   

         "Hello Evelynn, what is the issue," spoke the one from the center with a distinctly male voice," you message with concerning vague."

          " The hunters have begun their crusade once more," interrupted Tamira before the coven leader could speak.

          "Oh Tamira, up to your games again," the counsel member mockingly asked my mentor.

          "None of it was a game. This coven here was harmed just before as well as my students and I. We are here to inform you about these very real attacks."

          "You speak as if your word is proof, and from what I can see, not a single scratch on any of you, how peculiar."

           "Evelynn can vouch for me, just ask her. There are witnesses to a young caster fresh from the Call being injured. She was found just a bit ago and is undergoing healing."

            "Is it true," asked the counsel member to the right of the center one.  

             Evelynn nodded her agreement with Tamira. The cloaked group seemed a little taken aback but recovered quickly.

             "So it seems there is something going on. I still am not fully convinced it is hunters but something will have to be done," the center one spoke again," give us a few moments.

              The TV flicked to a pale gray just a second later.

             "They're taking this well, " Tamira muttered slowly," this doesn't feel right."

              She shifted her feet and stared ahead at the blank screen. Evelynn looked suspicious of the whole conversation as well, her brows drawn together in thought. This went on for about ten minutes, the silence. The device flashed, now once again showcasing the counsel of thirteen.  

                 "That was fast," my mentor mumbled under her breath. I was becoming increasingly worried now.

                  "We have reached a decision, " spoke the same leading member," until further information and attacks are brought into light, a warning will be sent to coven leaders from around the world about suspicious activity. Evelynn, as the first head leader to speak to us about this, report any more finding to us as soon as you can. If we find these 'hunters', the human authorities will be notified. As for the attacked, there is nothing that can be done. If these people are truly hunters, they would be long gone by now."  

                    Tamira began to respond, " That will solve nothing, all you will do is -."

                     "Have a good night," the counsel said in union with a minuscule bow of the head before tuning out for good. The screen blanked to black and stayed that way.   

                     "They're going to do nothing, nothing. I should have seen this coming, they never did believe me and now they turn away from the truth told by others," Tamira began to pace with sudden agitation," Their ignorance is going to be the witches down fall. A-."

                      A light knock came through the door. Evelynn gave a 'come in' and Melody, all bandaged up now, padded through the room toward us. She paused a few paces away before questioning," what did the counsel say?"

                      "Melody," Evelynn, in the same voice a doctor would say to someone who had a week to live, began," the couns-"

                      "What did they say," the young castor's voice hardened like ice and the air grew chill.

                       "They are sending a notice," Tamira answered plainly.

                       "About the hunters?"

                       "About suspicious activity," Tamira responded monotone.

                       A paper floated on a current of wind from the desk the TV was resting upon. Like a fiery storm, the once placid Melody ignited within seconds. Her eyes almost seemed to glow emerald flame in contrast the dull ash from before. More papers fell from there placement.  

                        "That is insanity," she growled angrily and glanced to Tamira," what are you going to do, the hunters spoke of peacekeepers, we can go to them right, right," her tone rose and by the sentences end she was almost begging.

                        My mentors eyes meet with mine. I understood what she was trying to say, that we were going to my familiars family to regroup and plan. Tamira turned to Melody.

                        "We are going away to a group of friendly hybrids until it is safe for Sabella's family since they were specifically targeted. I plan to do something, even if it just to spread the word of the hunters. Are you with us?"

                        Melody nodded and a small smile appeared upon her face. "Lets do this." 

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