Chapter Two

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       Two and a half hours later, all was ready to go. A weeks worth of clothing for everyone as well as any other valueables and necessary items were packed into three large duffle bags. Using their connections, Evelynn and Tamira booked all who were going tickets to the area around Larji Gorge in the Dhauladhar Mountain Range of India. It was sometimes called, mostly by witches and such, as Dragon's Gorge as the scaled creatures have been thought to live here. The ironic thing was that dragons did, and they were the family of Rossa Tigera.  

       The plane ride was tension filled as our little group headed to Rossa's Home. The familiars, all five of them, had shifted into various animals, spare Melody's tuxedo cat Soot, and stayed close by in small carriers until the flight was done. Rossa was in her housecat form, Eira her white Shepard, mom's familiar Andre as a spotted ferret, and my fathers griffon Dusk, as a sparrow. Rossa was the only one not worried about the gorge and being eaten. I never knew Andre was so frightened of dragons.

       The flight seemed to tick by both slow and fast at the same time. Excitement and nervousness rushed through my veins as I thought of what lied ahead. I was a witch on the run from dangerous hunters to the Himalayas to hide out. My uncle very well might be trying to kill me and two coven members were missing. The counsel refused to act in spite of the danger and risked many a lives because of that.

        I was also going to meet a family of hybrids. Not just any group, but my familiar's family and I knew witches had a rocky past with hybrids. Would they like me or hate me? What were Rossa's siblings like and what traits did they get from their parents? Would it be cold at the gorge?


         I must have fallen asleep during my wonderings as the next thing I know I was being shaken awake with the message of 'we were here'. The deportation was swift and soon we were stacked into a vehicle heading to the cusp of the gorge. I was practically shaking form nerves by the time we had reached our destination.

            Relax, they don't bite, soothed Rossa as we stood at the edge of civilization.

            A sent her a smile that hopefully showed more confidence than I felt as our little tribe began our descent into the wilderness. After walking for a bit and checking for any wandering people, the shifted familiars regained their true form. They shook out themselves from nose to tail and gave a content sigh almost in the same motion.

             Rossa took the lead of the group as we started to hike once more. Except of the occasional scenting of the air and surrounding area, the little hybrid guided us fluently. I glanced around at the wildlife as we continued on our way. I began to form an idea on what to say when I meet my familiar's family. I did not want to make a bad first impression.  

              The more we walked on the more consumed I became in my thoughts. A while later, a long while it seemed according to my aching legs, I paused and almost stumbled over a nearby broken tree limb. With a quick look around, I came to conclusion that I had strayed from the group. I closed my eyes and focused on feeling. I could sense a feline, a cattish creature that felt like Rossa but almost different. I shook that thought away and decided to follow the feeling with a tired mind.

              Within about five minutes later, the sparse tree line receded a bit and allowed for the clear view of the body of water I had heard a while back. The soil softened into a time sandy bank bordering a wide pond looking area with thick foliage upon the sides. I came to the edge of the land and glanced into the water. Maybe I could use the liquid to amplify the energy map of the creature as I had lost it a while back.

                As my hand became within inches of the shimmering top, a low snarl sounded for behind me. With a quick turn I came face to face with a stout feline with light orange, black striped fur, yellowish eyes and a barb pointed tail with its point resting just beside my head.

                "H-hello", I scrambled to make words and my head was clouded in a fearful fog.

                 You've got a lot of nerve coming here witch, a low rasping growl of a voice echoed in my mind, what is your reason.

                  "I," I started and paused. This tiger could be one of three  things, Rossa's brother, a hunters helper, or a random one I crossed paths with.


                   I took a chance. "I'm looking for the family of tiger hybrids."

                   The hybrid reared back with a hiss. Haven't you creatures already taken enough? Why are you looking for my family?

                   His teeth gleamed in the after noon light, showcasing just how deadly  weapon they were. The next words just tumbled out of my mouth after that," she said you don't bite."

                   The snarl that had been growing in the felines throat died as quickly as it had come. Silence came next, not a bird chirped, before I was asked in an voice full of disbelief, She?

                     A strong downward breeze was the only warning before another creature landed. It was soft cream striped and resembled a draconic felid in shape. The snout was more elongated than a cat but less than a dragon. The eyes shown an amber glow and lead to a pear a thick furred ears. The body was leaner and muscled with compacted scales that seemed to be lightly haired. The legs ended in a paw with long talons and a feline tail swept by its feet. Upon its back held a massive pair of wings that looked almost feathered with its long fur.

                   Hello, I guess this is the last of the expedition, she sent me a wink, may I introduce ourselves? This is Erin, the big furry grump over here, don't mind him. The barb tailed hybrid glared. I'm Marsh-Lynn, you can me Marsh or Marshy. And this purple eyed witch here is Sabella I presume.

                     I nodded and she went on.

                    Well Erin, I'll have to say I'm jealous, Marsh-Lynn said to the silent creature, you were the first to meet our little Rossa's witchy familiar. 

I am so sorry for the long wait and the crappy chapter. I had writers block and the internet wasn't working for the most part. When it happened to work for the littlest time, I was trying to do my homework before the Wi-Fi went out, again. Just a note that the next chapter should be posted quicker and better than this one. Also a witch would be considered her animal counterparts familiar. Bye and sorry. 

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