Blaze Badwolf (Later in "Badwolf")

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I'm thinking I'm going to have to update this page for Blaze a couple times throughout the duration of Badwolf, so it keeps up with Blaze's everchanging personality as she finds who she really is. Please don't continue reading this unless you plan to have Badwolf spoiled for you.

Full Name: Blaze Anita Badwolf
Story: Red Riding Hood
Role: the Big Bad Wolf
Roommate: currently N/A
R/R Status: Royal...?
Secret Heart's Desire: I want to be the Wolf.
My "Magic" Touch: I can shapeshift between my human and wolf forms like my father. Little Red and the other more wolffish Little Red... Ramona... can't do that yet.
Storybook Romance Status: ....romance? I don't even have my family yet.
"Oh Curses!" Moment: I have a lack of smarts about humans and the way they live their lives. It's pretty obvious.
Favorite Subject: I... Don't... Well.... I like to listen when Little Red is in Home Hex [home ec]. It always smells good when she makes the food. Sometimes she brings me some when we meet up.
Least Favorite Subject: Ramona does really well in General Villainy. She's learning how to be the Wolf from her father. My father. Or so Little Red tells me from her friend Raven, who I think is the one with the purple hair. General Villainy class happens in the school dungeon and it has no windows so I can't see it.
Best Friends Forever After: Little Red. Shhh. Don't tell her, it's a secret.
Enemies: Ramona. She's replacing me :(
Deep Dark Secret: I just want to know my family. I want someone to tell me why.
Memorable Quote: "I like shiny".  It's always a classic.

Featured In: Badwolf, I'm Only Me When I'm With You.

Outfit: Black dress with fur around the neckline and hemlines, fur bracelets, and furry gray knee-high high boots that match the fur on her outfit and bracelets.
Hair: the same style as Cerise's, with bangs but the texture is a little different. It's a little wavier and a little more wild. There are more white streaks in her hair.
Eyes: shiny and gold or gray
Skin: olive, on the paler side
Physical Look Inspiration: none

-Blaze is the word for a white spot or stripe on the face of an animal. In Blaze's wolf form, she has a white diamond in the fur around her right eye. There are also more white streaks on the right side of her head in her human form.
-Blaze does not like to get attached to people so she gives them all nicknames instead of using their names. Except for Ramona, who she has just started calling Ramona.
-Blaze was born 11 months before Cerise.
-Blaze prefers to only reference Cerise as Little Red.
-her personality is very similar to her sister's
-Blaze secretly does like Daring Charming, and she thinks he is good for her sister. She thinks he's funny.
-Blaze has been rejected from many "packs" and villages in her years alive, so when she finally didn't know where to go anymore, she decided to go after Cerise and take her down. Obviously that plan changed.
-When Blaze was younger, she believed her family simply was coming back for her, and when she realized they weren't, she started hating them. After discovering Cerise's existence, she hoped the two could be the close sisters she'd always wanted- after all, it's not Cerise's fault her parents abandoned Blaze. After being rejected and abandoned so many times, she became jealous of what Cerise had, and began blaming her for it all. Then she discovered Ramona really had what she wanted
-Blaze loves a lot of the same things Cerise does, like food and sports, but Blaze has never played sports or tried a lot of Cerise's favorite foods. She wants to, and Cerise has been helping her in exchange for help controlling her wolf abilities.
-Blaze addresses her diary as "Dear Cerise," or "Dear Little Sister," because that is what she did when she was little. It is why she only calls Cerise by Little Red, so that she does not have to associate her good thoughts about Cerise from her childhood with the girl she is trying to get rid of. She is realizing though that her thoughts about Little Red and Cerise are not as different as she thought they would be. "Little Red" is what she imagined Cerise to be like as a kid.
-According to Blaze, she loves "shiny" things. She specifically notes when items are shiny because of this. To her, the Charmings are especially shiny beings, and they are labeled the Shiny Charmings: Shiny Daring, Shiny Darling, and Shiny Dexter.
-it's probably obvious, but Blaze is extremely softened by spending time getting to know Cerise, even if she isn't interacting directly with Cerise and only from afar a lot of the time. The jealousy and hatred she once felt is turning into more of confusion, sadness, and heartbreak, but some of it that remains is being pushed onto Ramona.
-Blaze has decided that Cerise is no longer her target and that Ramona is.
-this is why she agrees to help Cerise control her wolf powers. If Cerise proves to be the better wolf than Ramona, she will definitely hand the destiny over to Blaze when she learns who she really is.
-Blaze has absolutely no idea how to tell Cerise who she really is and the idea of telling her terrifies her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2018 ⏰

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