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I don't know if this is a rant or not but I need to fucking yell about this (but not literally cause all my neighbors are sleeping)

So I think last month or so someone wanted to do an art trade with me

Yeah I was alright with it, yeah let's do it

But the thing is they make literally no fucking sense!! And they didn't even had a character for me to draw for them!! Not to mention they were pretty rude and forcing to!!

Jeez you can't believe how hard it was to cuss them out and tell them how stupid they were being!! So then I pointed out without a character, we can't do an art trade, and trust me, I tried to suggest any way we can do an art trade without them having a character but they just keep saying no to every single one. So I called off the art trade and they didn't reply for a few weeks. Alright well guess they understood.

Oh but how wrong was I, not too long ago right now we had a little chat.

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After this they just posted our conversation about month ago (I'm not posting it tho, it's just full of nonsense)

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After this they just posted our conversation about month ago (I'm not posting it tho, it's just full of nonsense)

After this they just posted our conversation about month ago (I'm not posting it tho, it's just full of nonsense)

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(The part of not being able to do an art trade was me, they just copy and pasted it)

(The part of not being able to do an art trade was me, they just copy and pasted it)

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And that's it

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And that's it

Honestly tho I'm done with them

I've blocked them, and these are the kind of people that annoys me

The stupid, childish people who can't understand that no means no!!

I'm just done with it all, I mean the art that I owe and the stuff I want to do before the deadline is already stressing. Then they come around.

And I'm not giving out names, this thing is done and over and I'm sure I can move on and hopefully they do too

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