hey look it's a character

96 18 10

So I made a new OC


I know

Ground me for making another OC

Please do

I need to stop ;-;

Anyway, remember that idea about me wanting to make my own animated show or comic and such, well to make sense, the whole idea is based around Fury's life and other things

But in order to make it interesting I needed a antagonist (oh look I'm using grown up words oh my)

But thus, this dude came

So I'm just designing him and I'm pretty much liking it!!

So this dude is a few thousand years old, and no it's not like one thousand years old is only one year for a dragon, in this universe everything is going to be based off how us humans see it that way it will be less complicated

Anyways, I'm thinking about his element and I'm thinking if it should be magic

But yeah, there's this dude

Don't know about his name tho, I have a few ideas and if you guys have suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them

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