Chapter 3

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*Maisie's P.O.V*

It was now Friday, meaning it was the day after my first day at the factory. My first day went really well. Everyone knew that it was my first ever job and they were all so nice and supportive, but the best part was definitely getting to work with Belle. I just hope we don't get sacked because we spent the majority of our shift chit-chatting instead of working.

Today was going to be quite busy, but a lot of fun because I was going shopping with Debbie and Sarah to get mine and Sarah's bridesmaids dresses and Debbie's wedding dress for her and Pete's wedding. It was more Debbie's idea to have me as one of their bridesmaids, not Pete's. No surprise there.

Anyway, we weren't going shopping until lunchtime so I decided to pop into the cafe to get some breakfast. I had a quick shower and got myself dressed in a navy blouse with small white polkadots and a white collar, a burgundy skater skirt and white Converse. I put my hair in a ponytail and secured it with a black ribbon, before carefully applying my makeup. Lastly, I slipped on a rose gold bracelet with a heart charm and put in a pair of cherry earrings.

 Lastly, I slipped on a rose gold bracelet with a heart charm and put in a pair of cherry earrings

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Once I was ready for the day, I went downstairs where Ross was stuffing his face with waffles.

"It would be nice to have a brother who actually has manners." I said, getting a glass from the cupboard.

"And it would be nice to have a little sister who would let me enjoy my breakfast without judging me." He remarked. I rolled my eyes as I poured myself some water. "Where are you going anyway?" He asked me.

"Breakfast at the cafe." I replied.

"Why can't you just have breakfast here?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Because I want to have breakfast as the cafe, is that a problem?" I retaliated.

"No, as long as you get me a coffee." He said.

"Fine, but you're paying me back." I stated, putting my glass away after I'd finished my drink. "I'll be back in a bit." I announced, making my way towards the front door.

"Laters, Pickle." He called as I left the house. I walked to the cafe and went inside, smiling at the warm and welcoming embrace of the little place.

"Hi, Maisie, how are you this morning?" Brenda greeted me with a friendly smile.

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