Chapter 5

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*Maisie's P.O.V*

It was finally Friday, the day of mine and Bradley's first date. Bradley wasn't picking me up until 5pm and I had work before then, which was a good thing because working would keep my mind busy so I wouldn't have a chance to overthink and worry about the date.

That morning, I woke up at 7:00 and got straight into the shower, knowing I only had an hour to get ready. I washed my hair with my tropical fruits scented shampoo and conditioner, and washed my body with my papaya scented bodywash, before hopping out of the shower and drying myself with my cobalt blue full-length towel and my pastel pink hair towel. With my towel securely wrapped around me, I went back into my bedroom and got dressed. I decided to wear a white lace tank top, black skinny jeans, turquoise Vans and a pink blazer. I did my hair in a braid in a ponytail and applied subtle makeup to my face, before slipping on a key necklace with a big pink bow, a rose gold infinity bracelet and clipped in a pair of turquoise rose earrings.

 I did my hair in a braid in a ponytail and applied subtle makeup to my face, before slipping on a key necklace with a big pink bow, a rose gold infinity bracelet and clipped in a pair of turquoise rose earrings

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Once I was finished getting ready for the day, I made my way downstairs, where Finn was sat on the sofa, on his laptop.

"Morning." I smiled at my youngest older brother, walking over to the kitchen. Ross, Mum and Dad must've left for work already.

"Morning." Finn replied, "You got work today?"

"Yeah, you?" I asked, grabbing a Special K bar from the pantry for a quick breakfast.

"Nope, I've got the day off." He said smugly, loving the fact that I had to go to work and he didn't. Finn's always been that annoying older brother. He loves me and cares about me loads, obviously, and he can be quite protective when he needs to be, but he always teases me and takes the mickey and loves to wind me up, and vice versa, but that's just how our relationship is and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Well, now you can look forward to your date tonight, oh hang on a minute... I'm the one going on a date, not you. Oh well, you can still spend the day playing with your dolls." I smirked.

"They're not dolls, they're action figures!" Finn glared at me.

"Alright, don't get your knickers in a twist." I giggled. Finn rolled his eyes moodily. I swear, he acts more like a teenager than I do. "Aw, I'm only joking, Finny. I'm sure you'll find your Prince Charming one day." I said in a teasing voice. Finn cracked a small smile. "Anyway, I'd better go. I've only been there a week, I don't want to get the sack for being late."

"See you later, Mai." Finn said, as I gave him a hug and he kissed me on the top of the head. See, we're not always squabbling.

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