!Last chapter!
- riley (name changed to fit pronouns)
Small trigger? !!Suicide talk!!
Phils pov:
It's been about 4 months since dan's suicide scare, and now we've moved into a house together and both work in the library.
'Dad! Who are you talking too?'
'Oh no one sweetie'
Oh and I can't forget our darling daughter Sophie <3
'Dad you're talking to the sky again, and I'm almost 15,
Don't make it sound like I'm a child.'
Dan walks out into the back garden and says,
'She's almost 15 phil, she's so old!! Too old for all these silly boy bands
And emo phase... We should start to clean up her room and make it a study! She wouldn't mind because she's almost a grown up!'
Sophie runs over to tackle dan and I go and join in. We all lye on the grass and laugh.
'Are we family goals yet?'
Dan says playfully.
'I believe we are' Sophie replies.
The end :)))
I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THAT!!! At first this acc was supposed to be for one-shot stories, but then this happened :) ok I'm going to leave now... ByEeEe
- Riley