Chapter II

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I walked into the boy's house- Wait, I don't even know his name! "So what's your name? I'm Jonathan, but people just call me Jon." I said, us standing at the landing of the stairs while I kicked off my shoes.

"Oh, jeez. I've got you in my house, and I haven't even told you my name yet!" He says, his energy being replaced momentarily by embarrassment. "My name's Erin. E-R-I-N, no one really notices but the name Erin has a ton of different spellings.." Well, he wasn't wrong.

Erin was a good name for him. His dark brown. almost black hair. And blue eyes that stood out strikingly blue. He had a nice smile that probably had girls all over him, and a laid-back air to him. He was probably a well-known guy.

Erin was a cool name. Back in my old town there was a guy in my 9th grade who had the same name, but it was spelled A-R-O-N. "Well, I wanna know why you were standing on your roof." I said humorously, gesturing to the stairs "After you.."

"Oh yeah! C'mon!" He hops up the stairs almost as vigorously as he came down, minutes before. "So up here's my bedroom and my sister's. My sister, mom, and dad are out right now. Shopping I think, I wasn't really listening over my music." He finishes, as we reach the top. It was just a plain orangeish-brown painted hallway that had some family photos along the wall.

Erin walks over to the brown door down the hall to the left that had his name painted on it fancily in green. To the right was his sister's door that had the purple letters Emily on it. He opens his door and I follow him inside, impressed at what I saw.

Inside Erin's room I saw his room to the far right corner, and above it was the window I saw him jump through to meet me at the front door. Right beside it was his bed, on which there was a blanket strewn in a pile at the foot of the bed. There was also a forlorn pillow laying on the ground, it's companion still up on the bed. Since the window was jutting out from the side of the roof, the rest of the room had a slight slant to it, with the far wall only about five feet tall.

At the right wall was Erin's dresser that had a small old box-shaped TV which he played PS3 on, judging by the shelf holding a few games above his dresser. At the left wall, there was an acoustic guitar and a pile of clothes, behind it was a closet door.

Hung on the door was a flag that said KEEP CALM AND PLAY ON. I wasn't sure if it was attributed to his PS3 or guitar. Left by the wall on Jon's right was an empty backpack for the upcoming school year, coming in a few weeks. To his right there was also a little bookshelf that held some trophies and medals from what looked like soccer, judging by the little metal figures on the trophies. Cool, I've always liked soccer..

"Yup, this is my room. Yeah, its a little bit messy, but what teenager's isn't?" He says, toying with some stuff on his dresser. "You were probably wondering how I was getting up through that window, huh?" He says waving his hand nonchalantly at the window. "Wanna go up on the roof?"

"I guess so.." I say quietly.

"Don't worry, it's totally safe." He says. "I've been up there tons of times, nothing bad has happened. Well, one or two times some stuff blew off the roof.." He crawls over his bed, and out the already opened window that brought a cool breeze into the otherwise hot summer day. "Be careful of the incline, though. Don't want my new new buddy to fall off my roof." He jokes, although the situation doesn't seem as amusing to me.

"Hope you don't mind me trampling your bed" I joke, trying to ease my nerves. Erin stands to the side, as I carefully crawl through the pretty wide window. When I'm fully out the window, I notice how nice slight breeze feels on my skin. I slowly stand up, holding my arms out awkwardly before lowering them.

"Yeah, it was sorta difficult to get up here for me too, at first." He says, laughing at my nervous state. "So are we finally gonna see why I was up here, or what?"

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