Our love will not Concer all!

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Lilith pulled for her wig revealing long blond hair and her blue eyes to match. The joker looked at her with a surprised face she looked like Harley.
"My name is Lilith Quinnzel and I'm Harley Quinn's and your Daughter..." Lilith spoke
"Is this some sick joke who sent you my daughter is died." Joker yelled
"I can prove it." Lilith stated
"Prove it then." Joker spoke
"My skin is bleach white it never changes even in the sun. I have to color in my face and arms every morning so people don't notice. My eyes are Blue as the ocean but when I was born they were green like the color of your Hair. My hair is Blonde just like Harleys use to be before you pushed her in that acid." Lilith concluded
"How can it be?" Asked the Joker
"To know we must go back to the beginning." Lilith spoke

12 years Ago
It was a dark and gloomy night in Gotham city the streets were calm a breeze blew forcing Batman's cape to fly up waving in the sky. In the faint distance Joker and Harley Quinn (in jester costume.) Where breaking into the Jewelry Store that had just gotten a rare Jewel the Blue Madison. Batman heard the faint alarm going off in the distance he dove off the building gliding to the Jewelry store. Batman crashing to the floor sticking his landing he quietly creped over to Harley.
"Harleen you need to come with me." Batman spoke
"I ain't gonna do nothing except distract you." Harley spoke
That moment jokers mallet met Batman's face sending him flying to the ground. Joker and Harley ran away leaving all the jewels behind and returned to their fun house.
"Harley even time we come up with a plan batman always catches us." Joker spoke
"I think we should go away leave for a while I have this house out in the country we could be normal." Harley concluded
"Thats that's a great idea let's go but only for awhile" Joker cheered
The next day we left for my old Country house where people didn't care about Gotham city or know anything about it. Mr. J wore a wig to mask his green hair plus called him self Jack and me I just kept my blonde hair calling my self Harleen. It was hard at first adjusting to the country life for Jack but me I was born and raised in Tennessee. We had a normal life Neighbors, cook outs, and to everyone we where College sweet hearts who have been dating ever since. We had a two story house big 3 bedrooms,kitchen, dinning room, and living room me and Jack shared a bed slept in it every night like normal people but things started getting weirder.

I shot out of bed looking to the left noticing Harley gone and hearing something in the bathroom. I throw the covers off me and place my feet on the cold floor walking closer I sounded like she was throwing up so I knocked.
"Harleen is everything OK what's wrong?" Jack asked
"I think it's just a stomach bug Jack go back to sleep." Harleen spoke
"Let me in I can help." Jack begged
"No you can't come in what you can do is go back to bed ill be fine." Harleen spoke
"I'm not going to bed til you do even if that means I have to stay up all night with you I will." Jack replied
I stayed with Harleen the whole night and days passed and she was still sick throwing up every time she ate. It was Monday and I left for work telling Harley to call me if she needed anything.

I was throwing up every waking hour so I decided to drive myself to the doctor with out Jack knowing I checked in waited.
"Ms. Quinnzel." The doctor spoke
"That's me." Harleen spoke
I got up and followed him to a to where he asked me questions I told him about everything. He made me take a urine sample and when he came back to the room he had a smile on his face.
"Ms. Quinnzel we know what's happening to you, your pregnant Congratulations." He cheered
"What are you sure like 100% sure that my pregnant." Harleen asked
"Yes." He stated
I cheered with Joy but the whole drive home I thought about what if Jack doesn't want a baby what if he isn't happy. But I knew I had to tell him so as soon as he gets home I'll tell him the news.

"Honey I'm home I've got some really great news and I'm making your favorite tonight for diner." Harleen spoke
" What is it Baby what is the great news you have to tell me about." Jack replied
"Well let me start diner first then I'll tell you Deal." Harleen spoke
"Yummy your making this for diner so great now are you gonna tell me the great news Harleen are you gonna keep me waiting." Jack asked
"Right before bed I'll tell you the news deal then OK." Harleen spoke
We walked upstairs after dinner where we were about to go to bed because both of our days where long and crazy.
"Harleen what is the news it bed time tell me." Jack asked
"You really wanna know the news?" Harleen questioned
"Yes I do tell me what is this such great news?" Jack asked throwing the pillows on the chair
"OK fine I'm pregnant." Harleen cheered
"Are you really." Jack asked
"Yes and your the father." Harleen concluded
"Of course our own little J and H." Jack said kissing Harleen
"Yes!" Harleen Cheered
"Harley Will you marry Me?" Jack asked
"Yes I will." Harleen Cheered

4th month into the pregnancy
Today was the day we found out the sex of the baby I'm so excited I want a girl but Jack wants a boy of course.
"Harley come on honey were gonna be late for your doctors appointment." Joker Spoke
"I'm coming I want to known if the baby is a boy or girl more than you I'm ready lets go." Harley Spoke
I grabbed jack by the hand pulling him outside the house he locked the door and I got into the already running Car. The hospital was a good 8 minute drive from the farm so we kinda took our time. We pulled into a parking spot and went inside their we checked in and waited.
"Quinnzel,Harleen." The doctor spoke
Jack and I both got up and went with the doctor their she told me to lay down and lift up my shirt. She put cold goop on my stomach and then the ultrasound machine.
"Let's find out heart beat it sounds great now do you wanna know the sex." She asked
I looked at Jack we both smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Your baby is right their and its a girl." She spoke

6 months into the Pregnancy
Harleen I have a surprise for you." Jack shouted
"What is it I'm suppose to be planning out wedding." Harleen spoke
He pulled me out of my chair standing up my long blond hair fell down almost reaching my now round stomach. We went upstairs and he covered my eyes and guided me when he took them off. It revealed a pink room with a white crib with purple flowers in the corner.
"Its so Beautiful." Harleen spoke
I leaned in kissing him lightly on the lips then we both went down stairs

8 1/2 months into the pregnancy
"Is still can't believe I only have half a month left then sweet Lilith." Harleen cheered
Jack smiled with happiness as he pulled into a parking spot at the grocery store. Telling me he would be back in a few minutes he left me alone I was lessoning to music. Jack came out of the store and someone bumped into him causing him to turn around with anger. They started yelling at each other then Jack hit him in the face over and over again I knew he wouldn't stop I had to do something.
"Jack." I yelled
He turned around and looked at his 8 1/2 month pregnant fiance looking down at his bloody hands. He walked over to me telling me to get back into the car and we drove away. The whole time I thought he isn't Jack he is the Joker the clown prince and I'm not Harleen haven't been in years I'm Harley Quinn. And if he broke today when is the text time what if its with our child I have to disappear. I came up with a plan to fake loose the baby I talked to the doctor and everything He believed it our daughter was died. He went back to Gotham city and Me I returned to Tennessee to give birth to my daughter. I raised for a while then returned back to Gotham the rest you know.

"It all makes since but how did you know about her plan." Joker asked
"She told me that you didn't want me you didnt love me so she left." Lilith spoke
"That's not true I was heart broken I loved you I wanted you." Joker spoke
"Is that why you didn't come to my fake funeral or you won't say my name." Lilith stated
"I couldn't go I didn't believe it that you where gone I still can't believe now." Joker stated
"I'm right here I'm your flesh and blood your my father its time to step up Mom is gone all we have is each other." Lilith spoke
"I know I'm sorry... Lilith." Joker spoke
She smiled hearing her father finally say her name aloud she walked to him pulling him into a hug that he embraced.

("Mommy why did you leave daddy doesn't he love us." Baby Lilith asked
"He did but Our love couldn't Concer all Lilith." Harley spoke
"Whats love like Mommy." Lilith asked
"You'll find out but just know sometimes you gotta walk away from the person that you love the most." Harley spoke)

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