She thought she was invincible

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"Yes come on we have to go." Stated The Joker
"Well I guess that's good since we are getting rid of everything Here I go then." Stated Harley
"What do you mean?"Questioned Joker
In that moment Harley walked over to the edge of the plat form.
"I'm gonna miss you Dead Shot remember Me." Spoke Harley
"I refuse get over here don't you dare." Yelled Dead Shot
Harley blew him a kiss and leaped off the 3 plat form and into the flames waving Goodbye.

1 week later
"She thought she was invincible that she could never be killed I guess that's what we all thought too. It was a week ago she jumped into the flames blowing a kiss and waving goodbye to us. The joker ran to the platform trying to grab her but she was already gone and had my gun to his head and I cuffed him. Jumping out of that third story window and taking him in the fire department put out the flames when we got. Their all that was left was dead Harley Quinn her body they say the impact killed her but the flames helped too. A week of him The Joker sitting in our containment center I went down their he had drawn, painted pictures of her old new even had pictures of them together. They had been together years almost had a kid together but me and her we had a future but she jumped our Hero who thought she would never die but was wrong." Spoke Dead Shot
"Everybody report to mission room for a briefing." Come threw the intercom
Dead shot exited his room and swiftly walked to mission room where he was the first to be seated and waited for the others. Second came in Black Manta then came boomerang and killer frost they all took their seats and waited.
"So did you see Jokers new drawling of Harley its wicked its so detailed." Whispered Killer Frost
"That's enough chit chat we have some things we are to talk about to start you are to be sent to Central City where Captain cold has been running rampage and has made new Ice Monsters. He is to be Captured and brought here for questioning no one is to be seen or caught understood. Lastly Harley's Autopsy came back she died force of impact it was quick painless even the funeral is going to be held Tomorrow 7am your dismissed." Spoke Amanda Waller
Everyone stood up and left the room but Amanda Grabbed Killer frost bye the arm and pulled her towards her.
"ouch what are you doing I have a mission to go on." Spoke Killer frost
"Your not going on the mission its your shift to watch the Joker so go down stairs send me updates." Amanda commanded
"Fine." Killer frost gave attitude
Killer frost walked down stairs where the guard was sitting at his desk and she rolled her eyes waiting for him to opened the door.
"It must be your turn to watch the creep well let's go." The Guard spoke
Frost nodded and he unlocked the door and jestered her to go in.
"Nock on the door when your shift is over." He commanded
"Sure thing." Killer frost cheered
She walked threw the door and their he was in his cell with his back turned she took a seat in the chair.
"Your killer frost aren't you,were you one of her friends.?" Joker spoke
"I go by frost and yes we where friends she was the only other girl on the team." Frost Spoke
"Do as you please I'm just gonna draw so more." Joker said sadly
"You are a very nice drawler." Frost stated
"Thank you." Joker spoke
Hours passed as Killer Frost watched Joker Draw pictures of Harley and it was odd no one ever thought he truly cared about her. But he is broken she died to save Deadshot some nobody he treated her badly and now she is gone and Joker doesn't have another chance.
"Its my time to go my shift is over." Killer frost spoke
"Bye." Joker stated
She got out of her chair and walked to the door nocked and then left to the dinning hall to get dinner. She got her food and sat down at the table where the others where already sitting.
"How was your guys mission today." Questioned Killer Frost
"Weird only us guys today but good how was watching the creep." Questioned Boomerang
"Just say their the whole time and watched him draw he is truly broken we thought he was broken before his mind but now their is nothing left." Killer frost spoke
"Attention reminder that Harley Quinns funeral is tomorrow 7am you must be their be dressed Sharp and nice." Amanda said threw the com
Black Manta got up and threw his food away and was about to leave the cafeteria when Frost called out his name and he turned around.
"Where are you going?" She asked
"I'm going to my room and getting my stuff ready for tomorrow got to look sharp night guys." Manta concluded
Everyone waved goodnight and Black manta exited the room and walked towards their bedrooms First was Boomerang's. Second Was Dead shot Third was Killer Frost which always made you freezing when you walked bye and Fourth His room at the very end of the hallway is Harleys room. He walked in taking his helmet off and his suite placing it in the trunk at the end of his bed he went to his bathroom. He pulled out his razor and shaved his face and cut his hair sure he never agreed with Harley but she was a good teammate. It was 10pm and everyone had made it to their rooms and slipped into their beds not ready for what was to come the next day.
Everyone had woken up and began to get ready Killer Frost had taken a shower and did her hair and pulled on a black dress one that Harleys use to love on her. Captain Boomerang had woken up and trimmed his beard and his hair and placed a Suit on with a Blue tie Harleys favorite color of blue. Black Manta had Woken up and showered then put on his suit which was all black he had already shaved so he was done. Dead Shot had woken up and trimmed his face and hair he put on Harley's favorite suit it was black with a red and blue tie. All the suicide squad members had left and went to the graveyard and waited for the ceremony to start.
"Today we are gathered to mourn the death of Harleen Quinnzel a start and powerful Woman who we will miss deeply." The priest spoke
Spoke filled the sky and somebody came out of the shadows.
Now tell me where's Mr.J...

When Harley Left the Joker Book 2Where stories live. Discover now