My love is blind

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<< I won't ask for so much
I just want to be with you
You just keep pushing me away
You say she's perfect >>

<< she says you are her's
She says she loves you
A love from childhood
You said my love is blind >>

Tea and Yami we're on their date, Tea kept nagging and nagging, that made Yami annoyed , she kept buying expensive things and made Yami's wallet almost empty


Tea : but ~~ darling ~~~

<< she claimed her hips around him this made Yami growl but Tea though he was growling in pleasure, he pushed her away from him >>

Yami : but nothing!! I am going back home

Tea : uh oh, Yami wait, we should not go home now

<< she pushed him to the wall kissing him , Yami pushed her to the other wall and walked off >>

Yami << opened the door of Tea and his shared apartment, as soon as he did that, he saw someone he is not familiar with >>

Tea : ahh, who are you! What are you doing in our house!!?

<< she was faking it and acting dense, but yami knew better, she was acting up , he was more smarter than her >>

Jake : You asked me to come here, Tea I am your boyfriend aren't I?

Tea : you are not my boyfriend , Jake!

Yami : hmm.. << he chuckled looking at Tea >> : why do you have to lie? Hmm ~~

Tea : i-i.. I am not lying babe

Yami : I am going to find out myself if you are lying or no

Tea : babe.. I am not lying, please believe me !

Jake : hmhm ~~ << he pulled Tea to him and kissed her >>

Tea << being the slut she is, kissed back and moaned in the kiss , when she realized that, she pulled away quickly and fast >>

Yami : this makes it clear now Tea, you are dating that Jake guy over here
Tea : n-no.. It's not, I am.. Not..


Tea : nooo! YAMI!! COME BACK!

Yami : pathetic women.. Che, always the same

<< Yami walked around the city until he reached the place, the place that he always wanted to step inside, the place he always called home.. The game shop >>

Yami : a-aibou.. Aibou!!

Yugi << the small angel sat in his room sadly when he heard Yami's scream he jumped up >>

Yugi : moe.. Hitori.. No.. Boku?

Yami : aibou!! << he screamed on top of his lungs >> : aibou!! I am back for you!! AIBOU!!

Yugi << jolted downstairs hearing yami's screams >> : other me !!

Yami << breathed deeply seeing his small angel standing in front him >> : aibou.. Forgive me.. Aibou .. << he fell to his knees in front yugi's feet kissing them >>

Yugi : Y-ami.. << he cried looking at his other self , he fell to his knees and hugged yami close to him >> : I forgive you... Yami I will always do..

Yami : aibou .. << he looked at Yugi with his broken crimson eyes >> my.. Aibou..

Yugi << smiled and helped Yami stand , Yugi being slim became more slimmer and lost balance in helping Yami up >>

Yami << noticed that and pulled Yugi to him >> : Yugi, you're.. More slimmer than before

Yugi << nodded his head slowly >> : I.. Couldn't eat without you being on my side.. Yami..

Yami << picked Yugi up and got inside the house >> : my little yugi, no need to live in more suffer, I am here now, I will always be here for you

Yugi << smiled and drifted to sleep in Yami's arms >> : thank.. You..

Yami << smiled softly and laid Yugi on his bed and laid with him >>

Yugi << wrapped his arms around Yami , Yami did the same as they slept peacefully in each other hands >>

Cherry : yay! First chapter done!
Sakura * sighs * : yes, it is done
Sakura * covers ears and hugs Yami *
Yami * hugs back *: shhh, there there little sakura
Cherry : ugh, whatever!
Yami : shh, my little sister, it's okay
Sakura * kept hugging him *: I just need you with me
Yami : I am always here sis
Sakura * feels warm in his arms *
Yami * smiled*: comment and vote ~

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