I choose you

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Sun rose up,  Yami opened his beautiful crimson orbs , he stared at Yugi's face as soon as he woke up,  to feel and and touch him..  To feel he is not in a dream

Yugi laid on bed sleeping peacefully,  his small body was hugged by the blanket,  Yami couldn't help but stare more as Yugi woke up slowly,  opening his large innocent eyes

Yami : "good morning little yugi " he raised a hand and rubbed Yugi's hair in a soft rotation. This made Yugi nuzzle Yami's hand

Yugi : " good morning other me " he purred happily as Yami continued rubbing his hair,  Yugi was so perfect,  Yami thought,  he felt like Yugi is an angel from the sky making the people jealous by this beauty and innocence

Yami : " did you sleep well?  " he saw Yugi yawning softly and shifting closer to him : " Little one? "

Yugi : " I still feel sleepy , but I need to get ready for work " when he said that,  Yami got a shock expression on his face , Yugi noticed the look Yami had " other me?  "

Yami felt ashamed of himself,  he..  Made his little yugi work,  Grandpa died..  Yugi became Skinner and slimmer, Where was Yami when all of this happened..  He only cared about Tea  " little one..  I am sorry..  I was not there for you "

Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami and smiled his angelic smile,  that smile that melts Yami down  " Yami,  what happened in the past had happened and it's done  , now that you are with me,  it doesn't matter "

Yami : " oh yugi..  " he hugged the smaller one close to him  " Yugi,  I promise to be Herr for you always "

Yugi : " thank-- " he was being cut off by loud voices downstairs

Yami :" hm?  Costumer?? "

Yugi : " I will go check " he stood up from bed to find that yami had pulled him back again to him

Yami : " I am coming too " he stood up and walked downstairs

Yugi followed Yami as they got downstairs,  they saw.. 

Yami / Yugi : Tea! 

Tea : "darling ~~~~ I missed you ~~ '

Yami : " grr,  what do you want Tea!? "

Tea " aww darling please don't be mad,  I missed your embrace and feeling good and being protected " she claimed herself on him,  Yami pushed her to the ground, Yugi had been watching silently until Tea stepped in front him

Tea : " you scum!  What did you do to my Yami!  Answer me!! " she raised a hand to slap him,  Yugi braced himself for the impact but it didn't come  ,when he opened his eyes he saw Yami crushing Tea's arm


Tea : "b-ut.... "

Yami growled and pulled Yugi close to him

Yami " I choose him!  " he kissed yugi fully on his lips

Cherry : tada! 
Sakura: woho !!!
Cherry : what do you think? 
Yami : Super cute !!
Sakura: oni-chan is protective in the story
Yami : hehe,  I am always protective
Sakura : Read + vote + and a leave a cute comment like you ~
Yami * winks * : bye ~~

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