Happy Valentine !

801 21 15

Tea : "HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME!! " she screamed in the house,  making echos

Yami : "You were the one who brought Jake in our apartment Tea,  clearly you are the one who is cheating not me "  he smirked at the expression on her face,  he knew he was right

Tea : " B-but..  I.. You..  " she started stuttering,  she knew very well that Yami was right

Yami : "me what?  " he had wrapped his arm around yugi to keep him safe

Tea : " that's right!  He's the one who brainwashed you!  What did you do to my boyfriend Yugi !! WHAT KIND OF LIES YOU TOLD HIM TELL ME!  " She lost her mind,  Yugi stared at her silent until she slapped him hard sending him to the ground 

Yugi : " ahh " he fell to the ground holding his cheek,  Yami got angry at this and grabbed Tea's arm  twisting it
Tea screamed loudly and fell to the ground holding her arm,  Yami walked to Yugi who had his cheek bleeding

Yami kneeled down and pucked Yugi up " little one?  Are you alright?  "

Yugi " Yes I am alright " he shed his tears infront yami,  Yami grew angry at tea and sent her off to the shadow relam

Yugi  : " mou hitori no.. Boku..  " he was like almost broken,  Yami hugged his aibou close to him

Yami : " I am here,  always with you,  my strawberry "  he smiled that soft smile,  that always eased yugi's heart

Yugi : " My lovely Yami " he smiled

Yami chuckled " of course aibou,  I will always be your lovely Yami "

Yugi giggled at this,  Yami got hearts in his eyes,  he always loved to see Yugi giggle and smile

Yami sat on the sofa watching tv,  he was flipping in the channels boredly,  Yugi was taking a shower and yami was waiting for him

Yugi : "other me,  don't you want shower?  "

Yami :" no aibou,  thank you "

Yugi hugged Yami's neck from behind enjoying to be warm,  Yami smiled softly at this " aibou.. "

Yugi smiled and closed his eyes enjoying the way yami talks to him

Yami kissed Yugi on his lips,  so softly yugi felt himself melt down like a chocolate on soft fire,  Yami's lips were so soft,  Yami on the other hand felt himself in heaven when he kissed yugi

Yami pulled out and smiled at yugi,  Yugi smiled back and they nuzzled each other

Yugi : "happy valentine other me "

Yami smiled nuzzling yugi  " happy valentine Partner "

Yugi sat up still having Yami muzzling him and gave yami a small red wrapped box " I hope you like the chocolates,  it's my first time to make chocolates "

Yami grinned and unwrapped the box " first Valentine with my true love "

Yami ate one piece of the chocolate,
he moaned in pleasure feeling the soft sweet chocolate devour his mouth

Yugi :" how.. Is it?  "

Yami : " I.. Never ate something like this "

Yugi blushed lightly looking at yami " don't joke,  it's not that delicious "

Yami  " no aibou,  I am serious,  it's wonderful "

Yugi : " thank you.. Yami "

Yami " welcome aibou,  and here have this " he gave yugi a small wrapped box,  Yugi thought before opening it,  it was a necklace and how right he was , it was a necklace and a writing carved into it. << Ana,  bahibak >>

Yugi " Yami..  " he hugged yami tightly,  " thank you so much.. For being here "

Yami smiled " of course aibou "

Yugi " wuv you "

Yami " I wuv you too ~~ "

Cherry  : The feeelzzzzz!!!!!!  
Sakura : oml! 
Cherry : I know right! 
Sakura * sweat drops *: girl calm
Yami : boy,  did she have sugar sis? 
Sakura : saa..  Wakaranai ^^ I don't know ^^
Yami : oh gosh,  if she did she'll stay high! 
Sakura : that would be annoying
Yami : yup! * he kissed sakura's head *
Sakura * giggled *
Yami : vote + comment,  bye ~ * winks*

Cherry doesn't own yugi-yo-oh,  neither the characters only the plot of the story

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2016 ⏰

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