(Some of the content is not realistic but just go with it!)
Skye Jordan. A person most people love and the ones who don't are just jealous of her. She has the looks. She has the personality. And has ... or well had the boyfriend.
Jake black...
7:45 that is what time I have to be up. School starts at 8:45 and I take about an hour and a half to get ready so I shouldn't be too late. It's a normal thing for me to be late for school, my year head and form tutor both hate me for it but I love my sleep what are you going to do?
When I finally get up it has just turned 8. So I get a quick shower and do my business in the bathroom. When I'm finish I leave my hair to dry in natural waves and put a red bandana in. I do my makeup which is just light powder contour and highlight, mascara, eyebrows, nude lip liner and lipstick. Luckily I picked out my clothes last-night.
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After I was finished getting ready I went to the kitchen I knew my mum and dad would both be working. Dad will be at the courthouse working a case and my mother will be at school because she's my headteacher. Both my brothers will still be sleeping and will get up around noon.
I picked up two breakfast bars and checked the time 8:53, wow new record. There was a car beeping outside and I knew it was Jake.
(Skip car ride)
When we get to school it is 9:04. We walk through the office because the main doors close at 8:45. Me and Jake both sign in and make our way to class. Jake has bio on the ground floor, while I have math on the second, but he decides to come to math because we don't want to leave each other's sides today as he leaves tomorrow. Besides I hear we have a substitute teacher so they won't know any different.
When we reach the class we just walk in to see no teacher just students staring at us.
"Lil, where's the sub?" I ask my best friend as Jake and I walk to the two empty seats at the back.
"His laptop died girl, he's off to find a charger," She explained.
I had a quick catch up with her across the class before Jake nudges me lightly with his elbow. When I turn to look at him he has a mischievous look on his face. A small smirk makes it's way on to my face when I know what he's thinking.
"Yo, cal! Signal when the sub is coming!" Jake shouts to a scrawny guy near the door as I straddle Jake's lap to get ready for the sub.
"He's coming!" Cal yells a few minutes later. That's when I lean in and connect my lips to Jake's. Moving in sync, he licks my bottom lip asking for entrance which I happily grant. Moaning as our tongues battle for dominance. I moan again this time making a groan type noise at the back of his throat.
We where then rudely interrupted my a low growl sending shivers up and down my spine. I quickly turn around as goosebumps raise all over my body. When I look into the eyes of the gorgeous man standing at the front of the class my throat goes dry. Looking him up and down I can see he is angry as his hands keep clenching and unclenching. His eyes are black but I feel myself getting lost in them.
"Ahh, you must be the sub?" Jake asked the beautiful creature in front of us.
"Yes, I'm Mr Ashcroft and you are..."
"Jake," He replied.
"And you are?" He asked, his attention turning to me.
"S-Skye Jordan s-sir," I stutter looking down suddenly feeling self conscious.
"Well Jake, Skye you both have detention today after school," Mr Ashcroft goes to turn away when Jake spoke up.
"Can't sir, got army training at half 3. Ring the principal if you don't believe me."
"That's fine," he paused, "guess it's just me and you then Skye." When he said my name goosebumps grew all over my body. I don't understand how he has this effect on me.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sorry I haven't updated for a while I have had mock exams in school as it is my final year 🙄 Hope you liked this chapter Vote! Comment!