(Some of the content is not realistic but just go with it!)
Skye Jordan. A person most people love and the ones who don't are just jealous of her. She has the looks. She has the personality. And has ... or well had the boyfriend.
Jake black...
Skye's POV The rest of the day flew over it was now 3 o'clock and Jake was walking me to detention with Mr Ashcroft. This was the final time I will see Jake until he comes home from the army. Tears start building up in my eyes thinking about him going. I wrap my arms around Jake's neck as the tears start flowing down my face. He looks at me with so much love as his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer, his eyes filling up with tears of his own.
"I'm going to miss you so much, Jake," I whisper into the crook of his neck.
"I'll miss you so much more baby," he murmurs, "come on babe your going to have to go into the class or you will be here all night," he sadly chuckles.
"Okay, okay! Promise me I will see you soon?"
"Soon baby, soon. I promise."
"I love you, Jake."
"I love you too, Skye."
Slowly I unwrap my arms from around his neck and give him a peck on the lips. I go into my back pocket and take out a small strip of photos from a date a few weeks ago and put them in his pocket he lets out a small chuckle before he takes off his ring his father had given him and gave it to me.
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It is pure silver and the knot on it is there family crest. A small sob escaped my lips because I know this ring means a lot to him and the fact that he trusts me with it means the world to me.
I quickly place a kiss on his lips and turn around and walk into detention, I know if I turn back around I won't let him go.
I walked into to the classroom where Mr Ashcroft sat on a desk glaring at the floor, his hands where gripping the table so hard his knuckles where turning white. I'm sure I heard the table crack a bit.
"Ermm... Mr Ashcroft?" I cautiously asked.
"Yes, Skye take a seat," He told me without looking up.
Before he could ask again I had already took a seat at the back of the class, my arms crossed on the desk in front of me and my head resting on them. I silently cried at the back off class for about five minutes until a small sob left my lips. I heard a whine like noise come from the front of the class but just ignored it.
I felt a hand rest on my shoulder sending goosebumps all over my body. I looked up and saw it was Mr Ashcroft, how did he get to the back of the class so fast? He sat on the seat beside me.
"Are you okay Skye?"
"I'm fine," I said not bothering to wipe anymore of my tears away as they won't stop anyway.
"Come on I may be a man but I have too many women in my life to know that 'I'm fine' never actually means that your fine it always means the complete opposite. I'm fine means I'm hurt, I'm weak or I'm scared! My mother always told me 'if a girl ever says 'I'm fine' talk to her until the real truth comes out."
"But I don't want to talk about how my boyfriend of 3 years is leaving me for 6 or more months! Or how he could be killed while trying to make the people around him proud! We're already proud of him he doesn't need to prove to anyone else how strong he is or how much of a man he is! It's not fair he just leaving me here! I know he's trying to do the best thing but if he dies I don't know what I will do anymore he is like my rock!"
By the time I was finished i was stood up screaming, tears streaming down my face, my chest rising and falling at a rapid pace while I was trying to catch my breath. I looked at Mr Ashcroft to see his hands in fists with his knuckles Turing white but when I slowly made eye contact it was like I saw all his muscles physically relax. He slowly stood up, it was as if he was scared he was going to scare me. After he has stood in front of me he ever so gently grabbed my forearm and pulled me into his chest his arms wrapped around me and I felt safe. The strange part, as soon as his arms wrapped around me it was like I couldn't remember the reason I was crying at the start. But I knew if I stopped crying I would no longer be in his arms.
I sobbed into his chest for what felt like hours but could have only been a few minutes. I lightly sniffed and took a slight step back, sitting back on the chair. Mr Ashcroft sat one the desk in front of me.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me.
After talking to Mr Ashcroft for a while we had gotten off the subject of Jake and was learning a lot about each other his favourite colour is blue, like me; his favourite football team is Everton, like me, although I live in Manchester; his favourite animal is a wolf, like me. We have so much in common it is unbelievable. When I finally looked up at the clock I realised it was near 7pm and I need to get home.
"Shit, I need to get home," I said as I rushed to pick my bag up. I heard a low growl from behind me, I spun around to face Mr Ashcroft my eyebrows furrowed.
He cleared his throat before he said "you shouldn't have such ugly words coming from such a beautiful mouth," he told be as I felt my face heat up as I blushed as he continued, "don't worry I could take you home."
"Oh, are you sure? I don't want to be any trouble," I asked him.
"Come on let me just grab my coat out of the staff room and we will be on our way."
He walked ahead of me out the door, before I could make it. As I got to the front desk I stumbled over my feet and grabbed the desk for balance only for that to split in half and fall to the ground with me. As I looked at the desk I saw something that could only be described as claw marks. How did they get there? Who did it? All these questions where running though my head as I head to the car park to meet up with Mr Ashcroft. He stood outside #2 of my dream cars and he knew this as this is one of the subjects that came up when we were talking.
"Damn!" Was all I had to say. He chuckled opening the passenger side door for me.