First Day of School

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Hi everyone! I apologize if this is a little late, I am still looking for a full time job and planning the wedding. If you have just started back to school I hope everything will turn out wonderful. So in honor of the new school year, please enjoy the next chapter!

The weekend came and went with little action and on Monday, Kanan was riding back into to town with Ezra on his own horse.

"You ready EJ?" He asked.

"Definitly," Ezra smiled brightly.

Over the weekend him and Sabine bonded and it turned out they had a lot in common. Kanan was glad his son had made a friend. According to some of the townspeople Ezra was being bullied and Kallus had let it happen. Kanan wanted to confront Ezra about it and demand he tell him but he also knew that boy would never say anything. So, he hoped that Hera would catch it and put a stop to it. 

"Now remember," Kanan said as they came up to the school house. "Just because you and Hera have gotten along really well doesn't mean you can act like you want."

"Don't worry Papa," the boy said. "Besides I know you like her a lot and don't want her to leave just as much as I don't."

Kanan grew red in the face.

"How do you know I like her that much?" He asked stopping Depa. 

"Becasue you two are always making weird faces and because you also always try to impress her when she's around," Ezra said over his shoulder, continuing on his way.

"Wait a second Ezra Jarrus," Kanan ordered grabbing the back of the saddle bring the horse to a stop. "Have you been spying on us?"

"Who me?"

Kanan had to hand it to him. The boy was good. 

"What have you learned?"

Ezra grinned broadly. 

"That she likes you as much you like her."

Kanan chuckled and kissed his head.

"Good boy, now get to school."

"Bye Papa!" Ezra called trotting off.

The man shook his head and made a mental note to stop by around lunch time.

Ezra smiled as he saw Sabine waiting on the steps.

"Hi Sabi!" He chirped riding up next to her.

"Hey Ezra, hi Phantom," she said petting the pony on his neck.

The horse snorted enjoying the attention.

"Need some help down?"

"Naw but could you take my books?"

"Sure," she replied taking the bundle.

The boy slipped out of the saddle and led his horse over to the stable. Sabine followed him and they talked about what they should do after school.

"Oooh do you think Kanan would let us ride around?" Sabine asked as the boy tied off his horse.

"Not without him, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind coming with us," Ezra said giving the horse one last pat. "Bye Phantom, I'll feed you an apple at lunch."

"Awww, witttle Warrus talking to his pony," came a voice.

The two kids turned to see some of the older kids blocking the entrance.

"What do you want Tim?" Ezra said.

"Just the sound of you begging," Tim said as his friends, Jason and Tom, laughed.

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