A Reunion Part One

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Hello everyone I'm so sorry this has taken so long.  I do hope ya'll will enjoy this chapter. 

 Kanan was devastated, anyone with half a brain could see that. Zeb felt his heart sink at the sight of his friend.

"He's gone Zeb. My baby boy is gone and there is nothing I can do to bring him back," Kanan's voice cracked.

The man got up to try and console the younger male but before he could, Kanan collapsed.

"Kanan!" Zeb yelped rushing to catch him.

Doctor Howsen ran out to see the what the commotion was about.

"Get him inside," he ordered.

Zeb slung Kanan over his shoulder and went into the room. The doctor picked up Ezra and motioned for the Marshal to place Kanan on the table. Deciding not to question the man, Zeb did just that. The doctor then placed Ezra onto Kanan's chest.

"Now what?" Zeb asked.

"Now we wait,"  the doctor said.

Kanan felt like he was drifting on a foggy lake. The last thing he remembered was...well he couldn't remember. 

"Mister? Hey Mister!" A voice broke through the haze.

Kanan groaned as he opened his eyes and then quickly shut them against the bright light.

"You alright?" The voice asked

"I think so," Kanan said wincing as he sat up.

Looking up, Kanan saw a man roughly in his thirties, a scared tan face and his hat covered his eyes to where Kanan couldn't tell what color they are.

"You sure?" The man  asked getting to his feet and offered a hand.

Kanan took that hand and got to his feet.

"I think so, just not sure where I am," Kanan responded glancing around before noticing the badge on the man's trench coat.

"You a Marshal?"

"A liftetime ago," the man chuckled before turning to his horse fixing his saddle.

Kanan gave him a glance over, slowly moving his hand for his holster.

"If you are thinking that I robbed you or I'm going to Mister, you might want to be a little more discreet with your hand movements," the man said not looking up.

Kanan's hand fell to his side.

"How did you?"

"Know?" The man said turning to him. "Something I've picked up after years and years of doing this."

"What's your name?" Kanan asked eyeing the man wearly.

He finished what he was doing and looked up his hat still hiding his eyes.

"Cas," he said simply.

"Caleb," Kanan said.

He hadn't used that name in years but he wasn't sure where he was and didn't know if this 'Cas' was friend or foe.

"Well Caleb, it will be dark soon. I suggest we make camp," Cas said gesturing to a group of trees that had a small stream running by it.

Kanan nodded and together they made their way to the campsite.

Several hours later the two were enjoying the comfortable silence when Cas let out a sigh.

"Everything alright?" Kanan asked looking over.

"Yeah, it's just this time of night gets a little lonely," Cas said staring out. 

"It seems peaceful enough," Kanan remarked. 

Cas let out a dry chuckle. 

"You say that, wait till you've been here as long as I have. Trust me Caleb, there hasn't been a day I haven't wished I was back my Pa. In fact you kind of remind me of my father." 

Kanan sat up straighter. 

"Is he still...?"

Cas shook his head a small grimace on his face.

"No, he died when I was young. I really shouldn't be surprised every father figure I've had left me alone at some point. My first Pa, then my second one and so on."

Kanan gave him a sad look.

"What happened?"

"A man came into town and thought he could show how big and important he was. My Pa was deputy and tried to fight him off but I guess I got in the way. My Pa was so overcome with grief that he died holding me to him. Sadly I was only knocked unconscious. I remember waking up to him still holding onto me and when he didn't wake up people say I just sort of lost it. After that the marshal took me in and gave me the title when I was sixteen. Two years later, he was gone too. That same year, a gang of train robbers made their way into town and when I apprehended them a Texas Ranger offered me a job." Cas said glancing up before sighing again.

"If I knew what was going to happen to me I would have never took that offer but I felt like I didn't have another option. The man who killed my father was never caught and I was out to find him and bring him to justice. I guess that's what got me here. I changed my name, I changed my clothes but I was still that little five year old boy crying for 'Papa.'"

Kanan's head shot up. The way Cas said that struck home. 

"Cas, what was your father like?" He asked hesitantly. 

"Physical features are hazy but I can still remember his smile and his nickname for me," Cas said staring into the flames. 

"What did he call you?" 

"His Baby Boy." 

Kanan tackled Cas to the ground gun drawn but he couldn't pull the trigger. Cas's hat had been knocked off and tired blue eyes were blinking back at him. 


I hope you enjoyed this. By the way, saw Rogue One and it was AWEsome!!!

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