The Fight Part One

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I am really really sorry this took so long. I do hope you enjoyed. Thomas is about to get hurt!

The moment Thomas appeared Hera knew that it was over. When one of Thomas's men hurt Rex and knocked out Ezra and Sabine, she wanted to scream but it caught in her throat.

"Escort her to my hotel room and had me one of the brats," Thomas commanded appearing behind Hera.

She stared wide eyed as he roughly grabbed Ezra and walked to where Kanan and Zeb were. When the man led her out she was already fighting tears but when she heard gunshots they finally fell.

'No! It can't end like this,' she thought sadly.

Thomas entered the hotel room looking rather smugly.

"Four years I have been searching for you, each time I would catch up to you and  you would be gone."

Hera stubbornly turned her back on him.

"Ah yes, be the stubborn woman I have desired. You are even more beautiful when you are trying to ignore me," he hissed in her ear. "Once those brats are taken care of I will go back to finish off the deputy and Marshal and then I will take you and you will be my wife," he ground out the last part spinning Hera around to face him.

The woman couldn't help but let out a short cry of pain.

"You have defied me for the last time. Once you are back in Georgia I will make sure you can never leave again," he said before pushing her down on the bed and storming out of the room.

Hera wrapping her arms around herself, wept not knowing what else to do.

Meanwhile in the stable two children where waking up.

"Ugh..ow," Sabine groaned sitting up rubbing her head.

"Sabi?" Ezra questioned his voice tiny.

"Ezra? Are you okay?" She asked turning to where his voice came from.

She turned to see him laying a little ways from her untied like her.

"Where are we?" She asked as everything started coming back to her.

"Looks like the livery stable's hayloft," he said sitting up.

"Are you alright?" Sabine asked.

"Yeah, I wonder why they didn't tie us up?" He questioned crawling quietly over to her.

"Maybe they think we won't go anywhere," she said looking around.

"But we are, we have to save Hera," Ezra said bravely.

Sabine smirked spying a window.

"How's your climbing?"

Kanan growled in frustration as he placed the bullets in his gun.

"Kanan, relax," Rex said placing a hand on his shoulder. "You won't do Hera or the children any good if you are to worked up and get shot."

"I know," Kanan sighed and turning to face the older man. "After my mother died in the raid, I never thought I could love another human like I did her. Then when Janus took me in, I was starting to heal but when Ezra...(sigh)...when Ezra came along, I knew that everything was going to be okay. He became my everything and to lose him would mean I lose my own life."

Rex squeezed the younger man's shoulder when Zeb came busting into the office.

"We got him," was all he said.

Kanan jumped up and holster his gun.

"Time to take care of business."

The two kids had just climbed down when the barn door flew open. They jumped hearing the harsh voice.

"What do you mean, they escaped? They're just brats, find them," Thomas ordered as his men ran do his bidding.

Sabine gave Ezra weird look before motioning him to follow her. Silently they made their way over to edge of the building.

"What do you see?" Ezra asked as Sabine peeked around the corner.

"So far so good," she said turning back to him. "Where to?"

Ezra thought for a moment before he suddenly got an idea.

"We need to get to where the judge is. He may not seem like much, but the last time someone threatened this town, Chopper went crazy. Papa didn't let me near him for a week."

Sabine nodded before they heard a sound behind them. The two turned to see some of Thomas's men looking for them.

"Where's Chopper?" She whispered.

"Saloon," Ezra said pushing her in the back. " Run!"

With that they bolted for saloon, only to be spotted and Ezra tripped.

"Ezra!" Sabine called sliding to a stop.

The boy got up with a yell.

"Keep going I'll be right behind you!"

Sabine nodded and did just that not knowing what happened behind her.

Hera was pacing in the hotel not sure what to do. After she calmed down and thought about her situation she knew that there was a chance that Thomas would slip up. Kanan and Zeb if they were still alive would have blasted their way in and saved the day. But that wasn't going to happen. She heard the gun shot and Thomas did come in with blood on his shirt. It wasn't until she heard the sweetest sound that her heart flooded with joy.

Kanan forgoing his horse marched over to the saloon only to find Sabine hiding beside the building.

"Kanan!" She called running over to him.

"Sabine?" He asked scooping her up. "Sweetheart are you alright? Where's Ezra?"

"I think so, but I don't know. We got free and was coming to find Chopper when we were spotted. He tripped and said he would be right behind me. I...I...I don't where he is?" She said finally starting to cry.

"," he soothed. "Don't worry, everything is going to be alright."

The girl looked up at him not sure to believe him.

"Rex," Kanan ordered as the older man came up beside him huffing.

"Jeeze Kanan, I know you are in a hurry but I don't quite move so fast any more," the older man wheezed.

"I know," he said before handing over Sabine. "Which is why I need you to take care of Sabine."

The man took her before giving the young father a stern look.

"Just remember, getting yourself killed won't do Ezra any good."

Kanan nodded before whispering in Sabine's ear.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of Thomas so you and your Mama can finally live in peace."

The girl buried her head in Rex's chest and let him carry her off. Kanan turned back to the saloon, squared his shoulders and walked in. When he stepped in the whole place got quiet. The locals seemed to know that someone had messed with Ezra because Kanan looked furious. His eyes zeroed in on a more refined gentleman drinking slowly.

"If you are looking for a fight Deputy," he said not even looking up as Kanan stared him down. "Then one of my men, would surely be willing to do it for me."

"I want my Son, where is he?" Kanan growled.

Thomas grinned before getting to his feet and grabbed a gun from one of his lackey's holster.

"I usually don't do my own killing but this time I might just make an exception."

With that he left the saloon. Kanan quickly followed him out and gasped upon seeing his precious boy.


So sorry this took so long. I do hope you all enjoyed. 

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