Return Part Two

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So Thomas has entered the picture and please enjoy the chapter. 

"Thomas E. Radical," Kanan's voice came from the side.

Ezra turned in Hera's grasp to face the man and wished he hadn't. The man from his dreams was right in front of him and he was afraid.

"Papa!" He cried out struggling to get down but Hera held firm.

"Well I see you have another brat," Thomas chuckled cruelly frighting the child even more.

Hera glared at the man and turned Ezra so his face was buried against her chest. Kanan  came to stand in front of the pair, his hand casually resting on his gun.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you," Thomas said taking a step closer. "You see I have associates stationed to where you will lose that fight and your child. You wouldn't want that now would you?"

Kanan's hand fell from the handle.

"Good choice now I will be escorting my wife back to Savanna," Thomas declared and went to knock Kanan away from the two when the man grabbed the cane twisting it from Thomas's grasp.

"I may have chosen to do this without my gun but hear me, Thomas. We have a warrant for your arrest from here to the east. I suggest you come quietly or they won't have to worry about a trial."

"You are quite foolish then again all you western folk are," Thomas commented before snapping his fingers.

Kanan already anticipating that, turned and pushed Hera and Ezra into the office and slammed the door shut as the first bullets hit the wood.

"Mama!" Sabine whimpered as Hera sank to her knees shaking with terror.

The little girl wrapped her arms around her mother's neck. Rex quickly ushered them into the back while Kanan and Zeb stood on each side of the door.

"What now?" Kanan asked as the bullets stopped.

"Don't know," Zeb said glancing out the window. "Hey he's gone!"

"What?" Kanan asked shocked.

"Yeah, he's gone," the marshal said reaching for the door handle.

"Zeb wait, it could be a trick," Kanan said.

"Now why would I do that?"

The two spun around to see the man holding a limp Ezra.

"EJ!" Kanan gasped taking a step forward.

"Not so fast Deputy unless you want to say goodbye to the brat here," Thomas said holding a gun to the child's head.

"What do you want?" Kanan growled trying to come up with a plan to save his son.

"Simple, your head," he smirked before firing the gun.

Kanan and Zeb leapt out of the way and behind the desk. Kanan hissed when  the bullet grazed his arm.

"Kanan!" Zeb called.

"Don't hit Ezra," he responded.

"First I'll kill you and then I'll kill the brats and take what's rightfully mine," Thomas laughed firing a couple more shots.

Kanan jumped up to take a shot only to find an empty room.

"No, this can't be happening!" He cried out in fear.

But it was true, his little boy was now in the hands of the enemy. Rex's moan startled them all back to reality.

"Rex," Zeb called busting through the back room. "Karabast!"

"What's wrong?" Kanan asked sliding into the room.

He gasped seeing the man with a bleeding head and a gun shot wound to the shoulder.

"He had a man waiting for us and he busted through the back door," Rex panted.

Kanan barely heard him, his son was kidnapped and it made him sick.

"We need to saddle up and get them back," Kanan said heading out the door.

Several hours later the small group was gathered in side the marshal's office. Rex was going to be okay but he wouldn't be able to help.

"Kanan please stop pacing," Chopper begged after the twentieth time the young man turned.

"I can't," Kanan snapped. "He took my baby."

"We'll get him back," Zeb promised placing a hand on his shoulder. "But you aren't going to help the matter if you are to worked up to concentrate."

Kanan sighed and walked over to the window where dark clouds had started to gather in the sky.

"My poor baby must be so scared right now," he whispered. "I can practically hear him crying for me only I'm not there."

Suddenly thunder sounded from a distance.

"Well at least we know one thing," Zeb said coming stand beside him. "He hasn't left town. The train won't be here until next week and that storm will stop any attempts to flee on foot.

"How do we know that they haven't left town yet?" Kanan asked.

"Think about it, a man like that, would travel on horseback or carriage all the way from Georgia?"

"So where would he go?" Chopper asked from his spot on the desk.

Kanan and Zeb looked at each other in realization. 



I do hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a great day. 

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