The Name's Mark

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Mark's POV:
"Wade can you stop hitting my shoulder like you're a 3 year old needing to take a shit?" Wade was a great guy, but he was a little hard to baby sometimes. But hey. He was my best friend and had been there for as long as I can remember so he's my responsiblity. "if you want to tell me something, then just do it. Im not sitting here with daggers shooting down my arm all day." I shook him off and turned to face him, his face glowing. He had gossip.
That was Wade's purpose here at City Side, we all had a purpose. Bob for example, was the chemistry geek, he did homework in hopes of getting either sex or money in return, but he was yet to get anything from the sex side of things. Poor Bob, he tries so hard.
And of course, you had you're usuals, band geeks peformed at all of the school events that the school was either too lazy or too broke to provide music for.
Theatre kids put on shows that all the parents felt they had to buy tickets for but still secretly hoped they're kids would go pick up a baseball bat instead of a microphone.
But then you had the only ones the school ever payed any attention too. And of course, that didn't include me.
Cheerleaders. The brats who wore the only outfits that squeezed their already bone-revealing skin into a "perfect female body" while walking with their backs straight and lips so huge that they were on the verge of suffocating.
But that wasn't even the worst of them. They're was something way worse than cheerleaders, and band geeks, and theatre kids all combined together. And that was the jocks.
Jocks were the students who you just knew, if you weren't part of them, you never would be, and if you were to ever try, you would be knocked straight back down to square one.
"What is it? Did Mr McCall finally get penalized for sleeping with seven of those students last year?"
"No, its-"
"Did Alice fall back down the rabbit hole on her meds again?"
"Nice one, but no its-"
"Ooh! Did Ben get those-"
"Mark! Let me talk!" I slumped back down into my chair as he interrupted me in a huff. It was kinda rude for him to just cut me off like that.
I love it when Wade gives me gossip. It gives me something to think about. You see, me? Im an observer. I watch the way this city runs around and I... Okay so dont get all "oh my god Mark what the hell!" on me here. I know its wrong but it's my purpose and everyone here needs a purpose to survive otherwise like everyone else, you fade into nothingness.
I own an unofficial betting poll that is held at my locker every week, where students from City side can come and place a bet on - and bare with me here - whether or not a school couple will break up within the next week or not. Or a well known teacher will have a mental breakdown in class over some ex boyfriend who cheated on her with (her words) "the first skank that looked his way".
Yes. I host bets based on peoples lives. No, Im not proud of it, but it's what I do. I cant change it.
So thats why I needed Wade. He provided the gossip, I provided the poll.
"There's gonna be someone new." He said the last word more proudly than any of the rest. My eyes widened to the size of a grape as I processed what he was saying. New? City Side was... Well it was anything but popular. It wasnt a place you moved to, it was a place you moved away from whenever you got a penny more than you needed to get out. So the question I should really be asking, is why here?
Wade was still sitting beside me, arms cross and head slowly nodding up and down in a boastful "yeah thats right" motion. I shook my head and laughed at his smug smile.
"Thanks Wade" thanks for the information. "I really appreciate the help" imagine all the polls I could make with this "you always come through for me" I'm gonna make a lot of money with this.
And with that, Wade gave me a sweet smile and stood up. The taller boy strutted away proudly and when reaching the door to the field outside, he suddenly stopped and turned back round to face me.
His mouth began moving, but nothing came out. I tried to focus on what he was saying and eventually I got it. "You owe me." i chuckled to myself slightly before nodding at him, I understood.

- please remember that voting for this helps me out a lot, but of course I already care so much that you even read this chapter so.. Yop.
Love you guys :)

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