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Mark's POV:
Today was the boy's first day. Whatever he was, whoever he was, he was someone I could use. I just hope he's an asshole. Its hard to bet off of nice people.
"Yo Mark. When's he getting here?" Wade said nudging my shoulder. We were walking to school like always. This place was so small we didnt need any bus to get to school, we could literally step outside and we were there.
"I dont know I don't own him." I said waving my arms like it was obvious. Not to mention, its Wade who knows stuff, not me.
"What was your poll this week?" He said changing the subject, although not really. My poll was still about this mystery boy.
Today was going to be strange and everyone knew it. I kinda felt bad for this guy. It doesn't matter whether he's a good guy or a complete asshole, he'll get looked at all day, and don't even get me started on the whispers. But it wasn't their fault. We were just interested in this random new encounter.
"The boy's hair color." Wade nodded in approval.
"Not bad."
We finally got to the rusted gate outside the school. The pavement was radiating the sun in all different directions, making it hotter than I think it has been here.
The school was a weird place. The walls outside were all white with blue highlights, but indoors all the walls were yellow. It was a weird choice but I had grown used to it. I dont know why today made me think of that, probably just the strange vibe today has, but I hate to imagine how unappealing it must look to the new boy. I guess the lockers were blue though, which matched.
I entered my class. The class that literally came out of hell to suck me in.
"Fischback. You're late." I glanced up at the clock above his head and saw the clock was five minutes after 8. How could I of been late? I have been doing the same walk for the past 2 years everyday with Wade, and we didnt leave at a different time. So what the hell happened.
"I uh... I.. Um.. Sorry sir." Scratching the back of my head, I looked at the neat looking man seeing if he even slightly bought that. He sighed and shook his head.
"Just go sit down Mark..." I did as I was told. I hated this class. So fucking much. Behind me was Ben and Josh. Two shitheads who threw rocks at me all through last year. And I dont mean that metaphorically, I literally mean they threw rocks at my head. I must've heen knocked out at least four times. What idiot decided it was a good idea to let them sit behind me yet again the following year?
"open your books to chapter 32, and we'll read from the top of-" A knock was heard.
Mr. Finch turned his head abruptly to the door and then nodded for whoever it was to come in. Thats when Mr Wilson burst through the door with must of been the new boy. Everyone waited eagerly for the boy to enter. We needed answers (and my polls needed answers).
"this is Sean." Mr Wilson nodded at the bo- Sean to come in, Which after a short while, he obliged too.
His hair was- green? Woah. It was technichally brown, and you could still see the brown, but it was dyed perfectly green. And it was illuminating the entire classroom. Well at least it would be if he wasn't wearing some sort of beanie covering it up. The beanie suited him but it was a very depressing color, and that was suprising to me and probably a lot of others too because his hair was green. Surely he'd want something bright, not black.
Sean stood with his hands in his pockets and staring deeply into the ground. Almost as if he was looking past it and into something else. He was sad. It wasn't hard to tell that he wasn't happy here. That he would rather be somewhere else.
"Mr Mcloughlin, would you care to tell us a bit about yourself."
"No." He said quickly. Not changing his postition in the slightest.
"Take a seat Sean." Mr Finch rolled his eyes and directed him to a open seat in the far left corner of the room. A corner by the window. The sun was still shining through the glass, reflecting back off of Sean's glasses as he stared out into the blue space of nothing. I looked at him, slouched over the wooden table sleeves covering his hands as he played nervously with the end. I instantly felt guilty. This guy had obviously not been having a good first day and I'm already making bets off of him. Im sure its just first day jitters and tomorrow, he'll be fine. Maybe I could try talking to him?
No. That would be a bad move.
"Earth to Mark?" Mr Finch clapped his hands at me and woke me out of my thoughts. I saw I was still staring at Sean and I didnt even realize that he was now staring straight back at me. I gave him an unnerving smile and he immediately diverted his eyes away back to the window in an act of desperation to get away. He must be nervous about making friends which was of course, understandable.
I just couldn't seem to wrap my mind around why he was here. Why here? Why not somewhere nicer? Why City Side of all the places?
"Mark, some attention in my class would be very much appreciated please." I shook my head up and down and opened my book pretending to read it along with the class, but still, my mind was wrapped around him. Sean Mcloughlin. The green haired boy.

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