"So what is your real name?"

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Mark's POV: 

I saw Jack coming out of the heads office at the end of the day, obviously upset by something. But that didn't matter to me right now.

I raced towards him, shouting his name as I did. "Jack! Wait up!" I called, but he didn't reply. I shouted again and he turned to face me. The minute he saw who was calling him, he began walking faster, avoiding all possible eye contact with me. But despite his obvious scrambling to not talk to me, I caught up with him (oh the benefits of being the 100m straight champion back in 2009).

"Hey." I said as I walked beside him. He looked at me and sighed.

"What do you want?"

"Just wondering if you wanted to hang out. Noticed you still don't have many friends around here." I shook off his cold look and gave him a warm one. Maybe we would be friends.

"And I intend to keep it that way." Or.... not. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a fucking stupid job to do." Jack started to speed up again, warning me to back off. Now I didn't want to, but I was desperate for that name, so I called out again.

"I can help." Jack stopped and there was a short moment of silence. You could hear his brain thinking all his possible ways out of this, but he knew, just like I did, he wanted that help more than I wanted the name.

"Fine. But that doesn't mean we're-" By the time he could turn around to face me, I was already right beside him, marching off to do whatever it was we were doing. "friends..." Jack muttered as he stood in awe at how eager I was to come with him. It was like two different worlds, he was a sad, depressing trouble maker, and I was a perky, happy innocent teenager. But maybe I was a little bit of a trouble maker too...

"So what do we have to do?"

"Clean the goddamned bleachers."


Okay, we had been here cleaning these damed bleachers for 40 minutes, why hasn't he said anything to me. I wasn't going to get anywhere if we didn't talk. I was on the edge of losing it, despite it being actually a really calming atmosphere. The nagging want to talk to him was starting to eat me up and I almost screamed at him a couple times.

I watched him pick up a couple bags that had been left here from the last City Side football game, I don't know what happened there, I don't come to these. In terms of preppiness, I was not the best. Probably because I hated this place with a true passion. My leg was shaking anxiously and him however, he seemed perfectly calm. What was wrong with this guy? Did he completely forget I was alive?

I took a deep breath and realised the only way for me to get him to talk to me, was to talk to me. So that's what I did.

"How did you do that back there?" I stood up off of the bench and watched him, waiting for a response. He shrugged his shoulders and picked up another bag from under the wooden seat.

"Guess I'm just strong."

"You can't seriously be saying that you beat the crap out of the two most feared bullies in City Side because you were 'just strong'." Jack looked at me sharply and gave me a look that said there was no other way of explaining it. "I could see that you were strong, but how in God's name did you get THAT strong?" I worded my question differently, and he nodded understandingly.

"Must of just been born like it."

"Jack you must of done-"

"I said I was born like it okay! Leave it at that." He snapped, shocking me out of talking. Okay so that was the wrong approach. Another silence fell over us as we slipped back into the position we were before. Another five or so minutes passed before he finally spoke. "Are you into video games?" Whether he liked them or not, this was the first time I heard him talk about anything based around him to anyone.

"Yes!" I said a little too eagerly. "I've always been into video games?"

"Really? You look like the sporty type. I mean you look like you work out." Jack started to blush and I gave an awkward chuckle before blowing over it. Jack smiled in embarrassment and although it was embarrassment, this was, once again, the first time I'd seen him smile. 

Jack had a nice smile.

"Na, I just play a lot of VR." We both burst out in laughter and after what felt like the longest time ever, we both collapsed onto the wooden bench to take a break. 

Jack's POV:

We had been talking for what felt like hours but was only really fifteen minutes. We talked about video games until our hearts exploded.

"You ever thought about getting a tattoo?" He asked. By this point we were both lying down on the benches and watching the clouds move as the were blown all in one direction by the howling wind.

"Yea actually. I'd love one. Nothing colored though." I said looking at my forearm. That's where I would have it. I've always loved the concept of tattoos, maybe one day I'll get one.

"Cool. What would you get?"

"Something small. Maybe a sign from a video game. Something you would still think is cool if you didn't know what it was." I said getting a little excited. I would love one, it's just whether I would actually have the balls to get it done. I don't really know what it feels like, and that scares me.

"You should get the hunters mark from Bloodbourne." Mark said. I looked at him as if it was the smartest thing he had ever said. Immediately that was stuck in my brain and I knew, if I ever got a tattoo, that would be the design. 

We went silent, but this time it didn't feel passive aggressive. It felt calm.

"Hey Jack?" Mark turned his head to look at me and I looked back, intrigued. 


"How did you really get that strong?" He looked like he was really listening to what I had to say. Did he actually care?

"Its a long story, but... Well my mom and my dad aren't together anymore because-" I suddenly stopped and sat up.

"Hey Jack? You okay?"

What was I doing? I was about to tell this guy I'd known for fifteen minutes everything that would make him want to run away and tell the rest of the world!


He would probably tell the school and they would call my home and they would find that-

"Hey, what's happening?"

He'd hate me! And turn everyone against me! Just like they did last time! He couldn't find out! 


"I'm sorry I have to go." I stood up frantically and grabbed my bag before running as fast as I could away. I jumped over anything that tried to stop me and ignored all the constant yelling of my name from behind. I couldn't stay there any longer.



Q - What do you think Jack is hiding from Mark and how DID he get that strong? (Its nothing supernatural before I set off the antisepticeye fangirls, although being one myself)

By the way please can you guys let me know if you spot any mistakes so I can correct them, it'll piss me off if there's mistakes I don't even know are there.

Love you guys :)


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