Chapter 3

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To say that I was at lost for words was an understatement as I kept on staring at the red eyed dragon slayer, who slumped next to me into a chair, eyeing me with suspicion. 

Mira put down a plate of food in front of him, obviously enjoying the tension with a grin. She turned around, to clean the now empty plate of me, but not before mouthing a 'good luck to me'. Anxiety built up in my stomach, I could taste my own food in my mouth, burning sourly. I felt like throwing up.

"You early Shrimp, what ya doin up so early?" he asked, shoving the food into his mouth. A few pieces flew onto me as he spoke. How could I have fallen in love with a man like him? Truly a mystery.

"I'm going home for a while." The words felt odd in my mouth. I was, after all, calling an unknown place my home. Perhaps I should have chosen different words for it.

Gajeel's iron studded eyebrow rose in question. Obviously he was confused. Then again, so was I.

"Home? Thought Fairy Tail was ur place. Didn't know you had folks."

Neither did I. I suppressed a snort when I thought it.

"I got a dad and a sister. My dad is a farmer, we have this little farm up in the mountains. He is a mage as well, but he hasn't actually joined any guilds as he wanted to take care of my sister and I. She is unable to actually practice magic, therefore my dad always taught me all he knew, before sending me off to a guild so I could increase my abbilities and get some money for them." 

I felt a hole grow somewhere in my brain, eating away to what I used to know. The story was very plausible, yet something pressed into my side, screaming at me that I was wrong. How could the memory of the small house be fake? The warmth that spread through my body at the thought of seeing my lovely sister? The image of my dad's sunkissed face, exhausted after an entire day in the field?

Gajeel nodded, nevertheless there was an edge to it. He knew that I was lying to a certain extend.

Change the subject, Lev.

However, before I could, Gajeel opened his mouth, showing my the disgusted cchewed up food, "alone?"

I nodded, "it's not too far, besides it is my home, not something dangerous... I have traveled this route quite enough to know it. Jet and Droy have never traveled with me and it always turned out well"

Some part of Gajeel did not look happy with what I told him, which strangely made me happy. The annoying butterflies returned to my stomach and heat threatened to warm my cheeks. 

Awkwardly I cleared my throat, adverting my gaze towards Mira's back. 

"So why are you so early today?" I asked him, fumbling with my hands underneath the table.

"A job with Lily. We need some money." he answered, shrugging.

Quietly I nodded. A small part of me felt a little hurt that he hadn't asked me. It was absurt though, he had his own life and it didn't revolve around me after all. Yet I had thought that I belonged into his world, that I mattered. Then again, I shouldn't care too much, I was about to discover some enormous secret and I couldn't have these confusing feelings involving with it.

Still, it didn't mean that it hurt any less.

"Shrimp you okay?" I heard him ask, some concern laced into his voice.

"Yeah I am fine. I should be going if I want to make it before nightfall." My voices sounded little, not to mention quiet. 

Gajeel awkwardly cleared his throat and scratched his neck whilst asking "do you want me to join ya?" 

Heat crept up my cheeks and It tried not to stutter as I answered him no, assuring him that I would be completely fine on my own. 

"I really got to go." I muttered, half running out of the guild, leaving Gajeel in the hands of Mira. I didn't stop running until I was at the trainstation where I let myself breathe for a minute. Why did I have to have feelings for him?

I shook my head, no time for thoughts like that, it is time to get serious. After I bought my ticket I settled into an empty compartment, putting my head against the cold glass of the window. The train was about to leave when my eyelids grew heavy, it was rather early after all, and without meaning to I fell into a light sleep.


I know I know, I am a despicable human being with no idea what time is. Sorry y'all for making you wait an entire two weeks.

I have been busy with university and stuff, in short I have been stressing out and that is very bad for my writing skills. I haven't really bothered checking this for grammar mistakes so you have to excuse me, I will look at it later (probably not but oh). 

ANYWAY, the story is about to get started. I hope you will like it cuz I can be far fetching things and overdoing stuff, idk idk. All I want is an interesting and enjoyable story for you guys, plus an excuse for not working on my original works. In this way I can tell my friends I have been writing.

Ha ha, I should probably start on those works anyway. Much editing, much laziness.


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