Chapter 5

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Nations were running around like their lifes depend apon them, frantically looking for a small human child. "How could you lose a child in such little time?!" Unknown to them the small child was on the wall of a unfamiliar room crying her soul out.

// y/n's pov ///

I looked around the room and saw a small ray of sunshine coming from the small window. The light reminded me of a small story my mother onced told me as a bedtime story.

I tried my best to recall everything she said. "If you are ever scared or lonely you say this story," Those same words fell from my mouth as I weakly stood up. 

"There was once a boy and a girl that always went to adventures together," I reached up to the window, but too high up to reach.

"The boy was sent to a bad place and the girl was left behind. When time went on she though that he was long gone, but when she meets a friend that looks like him, she and him went to adventures together!" My legs gave up on me and I fell to the cold ground.

"Once the girl ask the boy, "Hey what do you remeber when you were a child?" And the boy said "you"." I grabbed into the shelf and pull myself higher and higher.

"Even though you think that there are no one around there will always be that special person that will. And don't worry Mama won't go anywhere either." You manged to open the small window and look down at the grass below.

For older people that would be a piece of cake, but for a six-year-old that look like looking down a mountian.

I took a small breath and remember when dad and mama loved each other. And jumped.


Nations went a bit more insane as they still couldn't find the small human child. "Where the bloddly hell could she be hiding in?!" England was already too worked up for the child was on him.

"Hey did we check the first floor?" America asked out of the blue. Countries looked at each other shrugging.

"Of course we did idiota! That's the first place we checked!" Romano shouted across the room.

"Yeah I know that! But didn't the boss say that the most of the doors were going to be open because of some cleaing issues? Including the janitor's place?" The nation's expression instanly changed as they remembered an accident that led their bosses to ban them from entering that door.

Let's say France got the beating. Once they all agreed they went on to go see if the child was there.

Italy was there first and saw everything was almost in place. Almost. There was a can of paint on the floor and a small window was open. Perfect for a child.

"Dammit move out of the way!" An angry English man yelled out, moving to the front of the room. Once he got in he saw the same thing and the open window.

He ran out the door to look for her outside.  Even though he only meet her in the morning, he stilled cares for the small human child.

Oh, y/N where are you?


A/N: Forgive me for not updating earlier! I'm trying to update others in my other account and I as caught up again!

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