Savannah's POV

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I saw my friends being tied up. I didn't know how we were getting out of this. Then, opportunity struck. The one binding my hands together was the boy who had baited us, Cameron. He applied my zip-ties very loosely, enough for my hands to easily escape. He made eye contact with me and brought his finger to his lips to indicate that I need to be quiet about this. I nodded my head as he carefully put a sack over my head.

Every few minutes, the van would stop and allow one person to get out. Finally, I was alone in the back of the van. I slipped my hands out and removed the bag when the vehicle stopped. I heard speaking from outside. The door slowly opened revealing a man not looking at me, for he was too focused on his conversation. This gave me the perfect chance to take his gun and use the man as a human shield.

The guy held up his hands when 7 of his friends pointed their pistols at us.

"Guys," he said. "Put down your guns. We can settle this peacefully. I SAID PUT THEM DOWN!"

Finally the group dropped their weapons and held their hands high above their heads. While my right hand held the gun pointed at the man's head, my left hand reached into my pocket and pulled out a coin. I flipped it high into the air and it came crashing to the asphalt. It bounced loudly on the ground 4 times before revealing the side that determined these people's fates. Heads.


I blew the brains out of my human shield before killing the rest.







The gun ran out of ammo before I could kill the last one. He yanked out a hatchet, my hatchet, and launched it at me. I quickly strafed left and threw my hand in the way of the hatchet's path. I carefully caught the weapon by the handle in mid-air, and flung the tomahawk back at the man. However the man did catch it, but not with his hands. He caught the blade with his skull. I quickly gathered all of the pistols and my hatchet. I noticed something on the back of one of the men that I had killed. Gabe's katana. I snatched that, too. As fast as I could, I climbed into the van's driver seat. A map lay on the passenger's seat with locations around the city circled. My gut told me that those were where my friends were.

I found the first location down the road a little ways. The building was a convenience store. Outside sat one guard reading a book. I pulled out one of the pistols and aimed at his unaware face.


To my surprise, no one from inside came rushing out. He must have been the only one. I rushed inside and found Hailey tied to a chair. I cut her free and informed with everything that I know. I gave her one of the guns and we rushed back to the van.

We drove on to the next spot which was a few blocks away. This time, there was no guard outside. The two of us ran to the door, but instantly backed off.

"Oh, no you don't!" a familiar voice yelled.


A bullet passed through the door.

"Dear God, Sarah!" I shouted. "It's me Savannah!"

She forced the door open with a pistol handy, but holstered it when seeing us.

"Thank God that you're okay. Where's Kai, Gabe, and Gavin?" she asked.

"We haven't found them yet," Hailey responded.

"Where are the guards that were supposed to be with you?" I asked.

"I snapped the neck of the first whore I saw, then used his gun to shoot the next whore I saw," Sarah answered. "Well, we should probably get the others now."


The last location came by. This time, there was a guard outside. He saw the van and aimed his gun at us.


I flinched, but it wasn't him who pulled the trigger. It wasn't Hailey, Sarah, or I. From around the corner came Cameron with a Glock 18 emitting smoke, followed by Kai and Gavin. The 3 of us exited the car and ran to the other 3. We asked each other how they escaped until we realized that we still need to get Gabe. I kicked in the door. Gabe sat in the chair much like Hailey was. We freed him and I handed him his katana.

"Finally, now we can go," Gabe sighed.

"No," Kai said. "These people shouldn't get to live. We kill them. Today."

"How?" I asked.

"Don't worry," Cameron piped up. "I've been working on a plan for quite a while now. It's time to put it into action. This is war."

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