Kai's POV

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"I've waited too damn long for this moment," Bells aimed her handgun down at my forehead, obeying the commands of the 4 armed guards. Each guard wore a full suit of black body armor as well as a full-face mask, also black. I wasn't able to recognize any of them because of the fact.

"Bells," I pleaded. "We saved you from the walkers. Do the same for me and don't kill me."

"Kai, I'm a soldier. I was raised by soldiers in this world. I do as I'm ordered."

"But the orders are coming from an insane, power-hungry dictator! It's not to late to side with me," I begged for my life.

"Now, dammit!" The second guard in the line demanded.

Bells pressed the pistol harder into my skull. I thought that that would be where I'd finally die after so many years. I never got to say goodbye to my best friend, Savannah. If it weren't for her, I'd have died so very long ago. There were so many who deserved a goodbye from me, but no one deserved it as much as she did.

"If you really are going to kill me," I my last words, "then tell Savannah that I loved her like a sister all the years we've survived."

"You know I'm not gonna do that," Bells rolled her eyes.

I felt a rage inside of me at this disrespect.

"Then tell Jayla that she's a bitch and she's gonna get what she has coming to her."

Bells chuckled, "I'll see what I can do. See you in Hell, Kai."

I closed my eyes. I knew I couldn't run from death forever. I found it kind of funny that that point came when I literally couldn't run anymore. Soon I'd be with Sam, Taylor, Jacob, Katie, Carly, Paige, Macie, Gabe, Hailey, Samuel, Alyson, Payson, Malia, and Sarah. Eventually, I'd be joined by Cameron, Leo, Danny, Antonio, Henry, Lea, and Savannah. Maybe everything would be better in the afterlife. Instead of fighting back like I had in the past, I calmly sat there and accepted my inevitable fate.

"NOW!" One of the guards screamed alarmingly, causing me to open my eyes.

The two guards on the outsides of the chorus line of armed men pushed the middle two forward to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Bells pointed her pistol at the two men rather than my forehead.

As the two grounded men tried getting up, the other guards pulled out their Beretta pistols and aimed them at the ones that they had pushed.



Only two rebel guards remained after the other two were murdered. I was confused, but Bells was even more so. The two both simultaneously pulled of their face masks. After that happened, my heart lifted and I felt the greatest relief of my short life...

...under the masks were Leo and Evan.

Bells faced my wheelchair towards them and knelt behind it, using me as a human shield. She held the gun to my head again.

"Bells, put the weapon down," Evan ordered.

"Not until you leave," she told them.

"We aren't leaving without Kai," Leo stated.

Bells flared her pistol at the two of them, "Then I guess you aren't leaving."

"Come on, Bells," I told her. "They're giving you a chance to walk away from here."

"I know I'm not making it out of here alive," she told me without changing the direction of her gaze. "Not unless they follow my orders."

"Just don't kill Kai like Jayla wants," Leo pleaded.

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