Day Off, Naps, Tickle-Wars and Hearth and Blitz Being Adorable

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Blitzen usually was awake during the day, working. He almost never took time off, unless he was sick. Then Hearthstone made him.

Hearth took periodic naps in between helping Blitz out by being a model for his clothes and practicing his rune-magic. Those two daily chores were extremely tiring.

Which is what made this day so unusual. Hearthstone woke up in his bed, basking in his artificial sun-lamp before actually getting up and attempting to get out of his pajamas.

Just as he was about to go change, the pale elf was surprise-hugged from behind by a familiar pair of arms.

"Hey buddy," Blitzen mumbled into the back of the grungy t-shirt.

Blitz...? Are you sick? Hearth signed out while frowning.

Of course, the svartalf couldn't see his hands through Hearth's back, skinny though he was. Took the day off. Wanted to have a lazy day. Join me? He signed, without looking.

Hearthstone sighed, twisting around and pulling the oddly-huggy dwarf close. Okay, he signed against Blitzen's back.

The two stayed like that for a moment before Blitz detached, yawning as he signed out gonna go get snacks and drinks, be right back. Then he was off.

He returned to Hearth lying on his stomach, right in the middle of the floor.

"What are you doing...?" He questioned.

Bed too far. The bed was literally right beside Hearthstone.

Blitzen rolled his eyes, setting down the bags of chips and pop-bottles before scooping up the lazy-butt bridal style, and tossing him into the bed before crawling in beside.

Comfy? Hearth signed with a smirk.

Blitz yawned, nestling his head in the crook of Hearth's shoulder. Yep.

Hearthstone smiled softly, absently playing his fingers against Blitz's arms and shoulders. Occasionally, his long thin fingers would brush through Blitzen's coarse hair or rub at his ears, maybe run his thumb along his ribs.

Not long passed before Blitz was asleep again, face burrowed against Hearth's neck. Every so often he would mumble in his sleep, the air tickling and warming that particular spot.

At one point, shortly after Blitzen shifted in his sleep so he was face-down on Hearth's chest, one his dark calloused hands grabbed for Hearth's soft hand and just held it. The dwarf smiled softly as he slept, hopefully having a good dream.

Hearthstone smiled up at the ceiling, closing his eyes and going back to sleep.


Hearth awoke to nobody on his chest, and so decided to go and use the washroom befor crawling back into the bed.

As he stood up, his vision seemed to fill with sparkles and TV static. He could feel a faint sensation against the back of his head, which quickly grew into pain.

As his vision cleared, Blitz's concerned face showed up right square in the middle, panicking.

"Oh gods. Hearth, bud, you alright? You fainted. Stood up too fast?" Blitzen gently helped the elf sit up.

For a good minute, Blitzen hovered and worried over Hearth's head. Finally, though, he sat back and sighed.

Well, no extensive damage on the outside. You might have a concussion, but I don't think you hit your head that hard. Let me know if you start getting dizzy randomly though, okay?

BLITZSTONE ONESHOTS (on hiatus :/Where stories live. Discover now