He Belongs With Whomever He Pleases (Although I Wish it was Me)

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Alex Fierro was very confused, walking into his atrium-room to find a very sad-looking Blitzen sitting by the fireplace and crying into a tub of... Nidavellar ice-cream, did the label say?

Blitz looked over, suddenly not as sad looking. More confused. "Oh. Hey Alex. I'm not in Magnus' room, am I?"

Alex shook his head. "Not really, no. Magnus is on the right. You can stay if you want, though."

"Thanks..." the dwarf went back to dejectedly staring into the fireplace, the occasional tear slipping loose.

Quietly, Alex pulled out his phone and texted Magnus. Your dwarf is crying on my couch into a tub of ice-cream, please help me deal with him.

A notification; I'll bring some falafel if you turn on a movie. He's a fan of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

Alex nodded at his phone, turning promptly on his heel and marching towards the linen closet to return with a fuzzy blanket. Setting it on the end of the couch, he grabbed the remote and turned the television on.

Just as Magnus walked through the door, Blitzen was guided onto the couch and wrapped in a blanket with a totally legal copy of Lord of the Rings playing.

"I come bearing falafel," the blond announced as he plunked himself down beside his fashionable friend.

"So, Blitzen. What's the problem?" Alex sat on the opposite side, holding his own plate of falafel.

"I just had a rough day..." came the quiet reply.

"And I'm suddenly the son of Thor. Okay, spill bud. What really happened?" Magnus pressed.

Soft coaxing brought the story out eventually. "Well, y'know that god who helped us? The one that swore an oath of silence?"

"Yeah, Vidar."

"Well, him and Hearth are kinda sorta almost not really dating, I think. And, uh, well, I kinda sorta have a tiny little mega crush on Hearth." Blitzen stabbed a piece of falafel.

"Oh, Blitzen..." Alex covered his mouth with his hand.

Magnus made a panicked noise around the mouthful of food he had. "Dude, that's harsh," he managed to get out.

Blitz give a humourless laugh. "You don't say... well, not like I can change it or anything. He belongs with whomever he decides to be with..." His voice was shaking slightly with emotion, tears threatening to break free from the Hoover Dam he erected around those particular feelings.

"I could call Sam, see if she's busy. If it's okay, of course," Magnus hurriedly assured Blitzen.

"Uh, sure. That would be okay, yeah. I, uh, I'll be right back. Gotta use the bathroom." Before he could be stopped, the distressed dwarf was locking himself in the bathroom and letting the dam break.

Alex quietly escorted Magnus out and into the latter's room to give Blitzen some room.

I just wish he was mine... I could see that beautiful smile everyday, fix his wardrobe with some colour, we could watch movies all night, sleep all day, take care of him when he's sick, I could bake him cookies when he's sad, we could go out for dinner, and... and... Blitzen could only sob harder, wet marks left behind on his arms wrapped around his knees.

It was half an hour before the tears stopped flowing, leaving the heartbroken tailor with red eyes, a runny nose and a serious headache. Do I have any Tylenol...? Maybe Alex does.

A soft knock interrupted his Tylenol-hunt.

"Yeah?" His voice was slightly hoarse.

"Blitz, it's Sam. Open up?" Came the response.

The door was unlocked, revealing his saviour; in Sam's hands was a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol.

"Here." She passed the objects off, watching him pop the cap and down the headache-relieving medicine.

"Samirah al-Abbas, have I ever told you that you are a live-saver? Because you are. Honestly." Blitzen smiled weakly.

"Alright, big guy. Now, I hear there is a romance issue. Couch, sit." Sam practically dragged him to the couch, sitting across him.

"Tell me everything. Seriously." She looked eager to help.

"Uhm, well..." Blitz blushed slightly as he started speaking. "So, I kinda maybe like Hearth a little more than as a friend, which is totally normal I hope, and so because I'm really just an emotionally constipated failure I've been trying to keep it from showing too much but sometimes it comes out and I can never tell if he can notice so I just play it off as friendship but sometimes I can't so I make jokes to cover it up and now I regret ever trying to hide it because I think he likes Vidar because they're always spending time together and thinking about it makes me jealous and sad and angry at myself because I should be able to actually get over the fact he might reject me because I'm an adult I should be able to handle that but I can't seem to get past the fact he probably thinks of me as just a friend and if I say anything it could ruin our friendship forever and I don't want to lose our friendship because then I won't be able to be close to him and if I'm not close to him bad things happen to him and I don't want bad things to happen to him because he's dealt with enough bad things from the moment he was born and thinking about bad things happening to him makes me want to take him and just never let himgo because he's so warm and cuddly and soft like a kitten. Am I rambling, I think I'm rambling. I'm sorry, but WOW that feels good to get off my chest."

Sam looked startled as she processed the flood of information.

"Too much?" Blitz bit his lip nervously.

"... no, I get it. You want to take care of him, but the only way you think you could is by being his friend because you apparently are 'emotionally constipated' and cannot express your feelings because you don't want to be separated from him. According to you, bad things happen to him when you're separated... even though you almost died a month ago? In Hearth's arms?"

He winced, rubbing at his stomach. "We don't talk about that..." Hearth still gets nightmares from it, he thought.

Sam nodded. "Right, right. So, how's this sound: You talk to Hearth. Alone. Write it all down and give it to him, record a- wait. Record a video with subtitles, or just tell him yourself."

Blitzen balked at the mere thought of confronting Hearthstone.

"I'm gonna arrange the meeting, alright? Alright. Go pick out an outfit. Go on, get!" Sam ushered Blitz into the World Tree, and he was soon climbing branches towards his possible impending doom.

A/N: Yay, a two-part chapter! Feat. Alex Fierro, the BEST MOFO

(missing part i deleted because it was actually the stupidest thing ive ever said)


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