Sick Day

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Hearth woke up and within the span of ten seconds, his dinner was making a comeback into the garbage can used for midnight and in-bed snacks.

It always tastes better going in than coming out, came a bitter thought, making him snort weakly before continuing to rid himself of everything he had eaten.

Shivering at the cold sweat all over his pale skin, Hearthstone, in his Marvel T-Shirt and Batman boxers, managed to get to the bathroom before he finished emptying the contents of his stomach.

Blitzen awkwardly walked in, and instantly he could tell Hearth didn't feel good. Not like the ever-so-pleasant smell gave it away.

He flicked on the lights, surveying the scene: A large damp-spot on the bed, most likely from Hearthstone's sweat; a trash-can full of supper; the Tylenol box from Hearth's headache last night; a glass of Coke Zero (the weirdo); and one deaf elf with his face essentially stuffed into the toilet bowl as the rest of his food made a guest-appearance.

Blitz sighed, quickly cleaning up the garbage before gently returning to rub his friend's back in a comforting manner.

After a solid five minutes without anything else appearing, Hearthstone shakily sat on the cold and uncomfortable tile before looking up at Blitzen.

Hey, his hands spelled out, trembling like a leaf in the wind.

Blitzen sighed, a soft and concerned expression sitting on his weather-worn features. Still he smiled and returned the greeting. You good?

Define 'good', came the response with a humourless chuckle.

As in, is your stomach going to exit your throat?

Hearth shook his head slowly, shivering and covered in freezing sweat from leaving the blankets with the fever he was obviously running.

Blitz held up a finger- one second- and made off quickly, returning with a towel, change of clothes and a blanket.

I'm going to put this stuff in the dryer to warm up. Go take a shower and clean off, bath if you can't stand. You read me? He signed.

Hearth slowly nodded, hesitating before making a vague attempt at using his legs.

The dark-skinned dwarf helped the shaky elf stand, slowly releasing his twig-like arm. After a long second passed, Hearthstone was able to take a couple of steps towards the shower without collapsing.

I'm good, he eventually signed as he turned around to face his best friend.

Blitzen nodded, awkwardly signing out Well, I'll let you get in the shower.

The dwarf quietly exited, closing the door.

He waited for the sound of running water before darting in and grabbing the sweaty clothes, running to the washing machine and throwing it in.

Blitz started the blanket, towel and clothes in the dryer for a few minutes to warm them up before going to swap sheets on the bed.

The water turned off just as the dryer beeped. Nabbing the fluffy towel quickly, Blitzen headed back to the bathroom and cracked the door just enough for the towel to get through.

Hearth grasped it, drying himself off and revelling in the soft warmth.

Wrapping up, he exited the bathroom and went right to getting his clothes on while Blitzen struggled with his sheets.

As soon as Hearthstone's shirt was pulled over his head, the bed was ready.

The blond elf dived beneath the covers, cocooning up.

As Blitzen went to sneak out, Hearth meekly tugged him back.

Stay? He signed.

Blitz smiled softly, crawling under the covers behind Hearthstone and snuggling up behind him.

"Sure thing," he whispered.

A/N- Hey! Long time, no see! I'll get to the point. It's almost sin time! It should be up within this week, if not today. I am terrible. Really, just horrible. Well, I'll get back to work! Lee, out to sin!

BLITZSTONE ONESHOTS (on hiatus :/Where stories live. Discover now