Chapter 2 Hello

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2 years later

"Son of a bitch" I say to the demon in front of me I hate demons so much they are such a pain in the ass literally, I grab the knife in my boot I twirl it around my fingers the demon tried to tackle me but I dodged it, thanks to my epic dodging skills he tried again but this time I was ready I stabbed him in the gut and pushed him into the devils trap, then I got out my book and look through a couple of pages for the right spell to send this bitch back to hell "you hunters are pathetic" the demon spat "well at least we don't get caught as easy as you do" I say smiling like an idiot, "ah ha here it is are you ready to go back to hell, well actually don't answer that," I say and start the spell. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica. Ergo, omnis legio diabolica, adiuramus te...cessa decipere humanas creaturas, eisque æternæ perditionìs venenum propinare...Vade, satana, inventor et magister omnis fallaciæ, hostis humanæ salutis...Humiliare sub potenti manu Dei; contremisce et effuge, invocato a nobis sancto et terribili nomine...quem inferi tremunt...Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos,Domine. Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire, te rogamus, audi nos.

Black smoke came out of the poor mans body at those last words, poor guy I really feel bad for him he didn't ask for any of this, I go over to the edge of the barn that I'm in and grab a shovel, well I guess it's time to bury this poor man.


It took me about three hours to bury the guy because it started to rain, and it got really muddy were I was going to bury him so it was hard, I am now in my car soaked from the rain, I already checked out of my motel so I guess I'm stuck sleeping in the car

I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep, but then my phone started ringing I grabbed my purse in the back and took out my phone to look who was calling. And it was Bobby

"Hello" I answered

"Brie where have u been I was calling you, I almost sent the boys to come and get you"Bobby said sounding worried

"Bobby I'm fine sorry I didn't check my phone earlier, but it started raining and I was burying this guy that was possessed by a demon, and I just got in the car about ten minutes ago" I say all to fast

"Brie why didn't you tell me you were hunting a demon I could of sent the boys to help you"

"Bobby I don't need the boys to come and help me with every hunt"

I hear Bobby sigh "I know Brie but I just don't want you to get hurt"

"I know Bobby and I love you for that, but I can take care of things myself" I say honestly

"I know you can, take care of yourself Brie but your like a daughter to me and I feel the need to take care of you I'm sorry I'm sometimes overprotective but it's because I don't want to see you hurt" Bobby says calmly

"How about I come over to yours, for a few days I mean I haven't been there in weeks" I suggest

"Yea sure that would be great Brie come one over" Bobby says

"Ok ill probably be there sometime tomorrow"

"Ok see you tomorrow kid, but make sure u actually get here" Bobby says

"Yes sir, I'll be there tomorrow, so see ya tomorrow bye Bobby" I say and hang up

Well I guess this is going to be an all nighter I think to myself, I grab my iPod, yea I know what kind of hunter has an iPod, I look through my songs and decided on.
Panic! At the disco Death Of A Bachelor

I guess this is what I'll be doing until I make it to Bobby's. Then I start singing along to the song.


Chapter 2 woohoo

Next chapter should be up tomorrow

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Forgiven & Forgotten (a Supernatural Vampire Diaries Crossover) (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now