Chapter 24 She's Messing Up Everything

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Song of the chapter
I didn't mean it By The Belle Bridge

~~Sam's POV~~

"I'm sorry Sam" Cas says for the hundredth time.

I sigh, so apparently Mia planned for Cas to come because she had put a ring of holy oil around my chair that I used to be tied up on, now I'm currently tied down to a bookshelf.

"It's ok Cas will get out of this" I say trying to get lose from the ropes again but it's no use every time I try it seems as if there only getting tighter.

"Where's Dean?" Cas asks after a long pause.

"He's in Mckinley with Brie" I simply say,

I didn't really want to go with Dean after I told him about Victoria. Because he just laughed in my face, I thought after everything Dean would be the one to believe me but I was terribly wrong, I think I kinda understand that when you tell someone that there's a woman stuck in your head they think your automatically crazy.

"Why didn't you go with him?" Cas asks me,

"Because a friend of Bobby's needed help and I volunteered to come and help him out with a wendigo problem" I say sighing,

"Oh" Cas says with an O shape.

"Am I annoying you?" Cas asks after a few minutes.

"No Cas it's just you know what never mind" I say and rest my head against the bookshelf.

I couldn't help but think what would Victoria do if she was in this situation. Probably talk her way out of it, or do something extreme, or she could make bad jokes at the situation. Victoria's so blunt yet she's kinda funny that way, it makes her look more badass actually now that I truly think about it,

"Sam" Cas says catching my attention

I look over at him and he nods at the door and right on que Mia walks in.

"Hello gentleman how are you doing this fine day?" Mia asks smirking at me,

"Horrible to be honest, we have been here for almost two days already Mia and you still haven't told me what you exactly want with me" I say not bothering to look at the smug smile she has on her face.

"Well, well Sammy your one to talk, and Castiel has only been here for around 9 hours and that's not nearly a day" Mia says turning her attention towards Cas.

"What do you want with us?" Cas asks her,

"Nothing" Mia says and bursts out laughing,

"Then why keep us here?" Cas asks her

It's no use I wanted to say but well I didn't I just kept my mouth shut, I'm tried, hungry, and in pain. I should of been the one going to Mckinley with Brie while Dean was over here helping that hunter with his case, I could of been fine if I wouldn't had won that game of paper, rock, and scissors, I would be fine actually more then fine. I would be awesome maybe even be looking up some lore on my computer but instead of doing that I'm tied to a bookshelf without a way out sucks to be me.

"Sam" Cas says breaking me from my thoughts,

"Are you ok?" He adds after a minute of silence.

"Yes" I say


~~Mia's POV~~

"I have the younger Winchester as you ordered me to get shall I kill him now?" I ask,

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