Chapter 17 Blue Flowers

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~~Gabriella's POV~~

"Christmas a time of giving, a time of spending the holidays with the people you love. Blah blah blah. Damon this is utter trash if you ask me" I say reading the first few words in the book my brother had just given me.

"Gabby that book is great" Damon says snatching it from me, and looking through the first few pages,

"I stare into his beautiful green orbs, and almost die under his touch, his breath fans my face and I take in his scent as I go to touch his bare chest. Oh my god your right this book is trash, it's full of inappropriate information" Damon says throwing the book into the fire place,

"Told you so" I say sticking my tongue out at Damon, and laughing. He smiles and vamp speeds to the kitchen.

"Gabby, how nice of you to join us this Christmas" Stefan says walking into the living room,

"Well Damon called and said you two where lonely for the holidays. So I said hey why not go over to the old Salvatore house and say hello to my big brothers" I say vamp speeding to kiss my brother on the cheek, he smiles and hugs me tightly,

"I missed you Gabriella" Stefan says breaking the hug, and looking at me,

"Missed you to, big bro" I say smiling up at him, Damon vamp speeds back into the living room and hands me a what I'm a assuming is to be a cup of bourbon. Man he loves that stuff. I take a sip and set the cup on the table,

"So what are we doing for the holidays?" I ask both of my brothers, they look at each other then look back at me shrugging. These idiots I swear they would be dead if it weren't for me. I guess I'll have to make the plans again, that's when an idea struck me

"Let's throw a party" I say smiling widely,

"Party?" Damon and Stefan ask at the same time. They both glare at each other, then look back to me, and shake there heads,

"Who will we invite?" Stefan asks me, and Damon nudges him hard in the rib cage.

"Friends" I say in a duh tone. Who will we invite these asshats have so many friends that they can invite for one simple Christmas party, I mean I already know who to invite. The Mikaelson's obviously and also Jeremy and Alaric maybe Bonnie as well.

"That sounds like a great idea, let's invite Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Ric, and Jeremy. Boom party guests done" Damon says mouthing that he's amazing to me and Stefan.

"Well Gabby had the idea how about she chooses who gets invited" Stefan says gesturing to me. Damon looks at me then nods his head pouting at me.

"Well I was thinking about inviting, Kol, Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus, Alaric, Jeremy, and Bonnie. But I guess you can invite some of your other friends as well" I tell my two brothers that are just starring at me. Damon smiles with excitement, and walks over to hug me tight, I smile and hug back

"I'll give Elena a call" Damon says vamp speeding away, to go call his girlfriend

"Stefan be a good brother and get me a blood bag please" I say smiling at my brother.

"As you wish" he says bowing and vamp speeding away. I'm really glad I came back home for the holidays this is gonna be a great party that's for sure.


~~Dean's POV~~

So it's been more then a few days, it's been five to be exact. And that guy that Nathaniel went to go call doesn't know what they exactly have, he says its some sort of Hunan witch spell whatever that means. And from Time to time Sam yells in pain and looks like he's suffering, I know he's in pain. Brie I don't know what's up with her she only smiles and mumbles the name Kol she's odd.

"Dean? Joseph says he might know something" Nathaniel says breaking me from my thoughts. I was outside getting some fresh air because I was tired of hearing Sam's screams and all I really want is for Sam and Brie to be okay that's all I care about right now.

I nod following Nathaniel back inside the motel room.

"So Gabriella is having dreams of her past which is good news because that means, it will be easier to wake her from her dreams but Sam he's umm" Joseph says pausing at the last part and looking at me with an apologetic smile.

"Spit it out boy or I'm gonna knock your teeth out" Bobby says glaring at the bronze haired man.

"Sam he's not good. He's seeing, actually I don't know what he's seeing.but he's not well that's what I know and we need to wake him before he's consumed by his own dreams. Right now all I know is that what he's seeing he thinks is real" Joseph says handing me a book with some kind of spells in it.

"Blue Flowers, what does that mean?" I ask reading the first spell on the list,

"It's what they have. It's from this flower that only grows every two-thousand years. And is extremely rare to find. How they got it, I don't know but I will find out" Joseph says taking the spell book from my hands,

"Well how do we wake them?" Bobby asks the question on all are minds. Even Nathaniel looks lost in what Joseph's saying.

"Well will have to go into there mind and try and tell them what they are seeing is not real. But with Sam it's going to be harder. So I suggest we wake Gabriella first and then we try and wake Sam" Joseph says putting some kind of what I'm assuming is to be ingredients into a bowl.

"Oh and all of us are going to go into Gabriella's mind and wake her" Joseph adds looking up at us.

"Fine when do we leave?" Bobby asks Joseph.


Sorry for the late updates, it's just that my Wi-Fi and also Wattpad decided to be a big bitch to me by not working these past weeks, I had to turn off my iPad for days to get it working again.

Well anyways new update enjoy :)

The supernatural convention is near where I live but I can't go because I don't have enough money to buy a ticket so I'm really sad,

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