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Don't leave, Taehyung!

You ran towards him as fast as you could while he was drifting away with his usual smile and tears at his eyes.

You groaned and rubbed your eyes, feeling the dried up tear trails on the corner of your eyes. You turned to your side and smiled as you saw Taehyung still fast asleep beside you. You rubbed his face and kissed his forehead before getting up.

Standing up from the bed, you gave yourself a good stretch before heading to the kitchen to cook up some breakfast for the both of you. You then went back to the bedroom to get him to freshen up before eating the meal you made. He whined and followed you to the bathroom.

The btoh of you were seated on the table, eating breakfast while watching the news and weather forecast on the television. It was reported that the rest of the day will be a cool cloudy day and rain at night. With that, you and Taehyung decided to go visit your parents.

Getting your car keys, he headed out the door followed by you and drove all the way to the florist to get two bouquets of flowers then to the graveyard.

Walking along the familiar gravestones, you gave each of them a smile and felt them smiling back with Taehyung leading the way. You reached the gravestones of your parents and put down the flowers in front of them.

You then settles down another bouquet of flowers beside them at a gravestone with the name Kim Taehyung, your eternal boyfriend's name.

"How have you been doing with my parents, Tae? Is he doing any good, mom, dad? I adopted a cat and named it after you since well, it's yellowish fur and it's playfulness reminds me of you."

A gush of wind blew gently, tousling your long hair, making it flow in the wind. Taehyung and your parents died in an earthquake a few years back. The house was falling apart and he died right in front of your eyes, protecting you from a falling brick that was going to hit you on the head. He was rushed to the hospital immediately but his brain was severely damaged, making it unable to save him.

Your parents were found later, reported they were crushed from the pillars supporting your home. Somehow, their bodies were separated into two parts and their faces were poked straight through the thin metal bars that were the base of the house.

I miss you all.

BTS & EXO - V / Taehyung / Baekhyun x Reader Oneshots / Drabbles CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now