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"here you go", adelaide said while she handed chris a glass of water and sat down beside him on her black ikea couch. "thanks, sweetheart."

adelaide smiled at him, then she sighed and slowly started speaking.
"i invited you over to talk about something..." "yes, you did", chris said. he gave her a reassuring smile and made a motion with his hand that signaled the blonde girl he was talking to to keep speaking.

she took a deep breath and then started to raise her voice again.
"okay, so, i invited you over to talk to you about something. this isn't easy for me and there's a ninety-nine percent chance that you'll hate me after i told you this..." adelaide looked down at her folded hands that were resting in her lab. "adelaide, i could never hate you, i'm sure it's not that bad. i'm here for you, no matter what happens. that's what best friends are there for, remember?"
adelaide took another deep breath and then started to speak once more.
"well, yes, but that whole best friend thing is kind of the problem..."

"addy, what are you talking about, did i-", chris said in shock.
but adelaide interrupted him "no, chris, you didn't do anything. you didn't hurt my feelings, you didn't say something wrong. it's all me. and before you say something else, please hear me out."

"first of all, you're the most amazing best friend that i could ever wish for. you're always here for me and i'm so grateful to have you in my life. but during the years i started to develop feelings for you. you're not just a best friend to me anymore. at least i wish you weren't. i like you, i really really like you. i've felt like this for a pretty long time now and i originally planned on never telling you this. partly because i know that you don't feel the same way about me and also because my parents would hate me if i started dating an actor. they never supported my acting career, they still don't really do and they would never support it if we had a relationship. but it kind of just all got too much, i talked to scarlett and lottie about this and they said it would be best if i told you about how i feel. i'm so sorry for not telling you earlier but i was so scared of ruining our friendship, i was so scared of ruining everything that we have. and you're too important to me. i can't lose you but i guess that's exactly what just happened."

adelaide had started to cry halfway during her monologue and she couldn't even bring herself to look at chris, she was too terrified of what his reaction would be.
she hadn't noticed how close chris was sitting until she could feel his hands on her chin. he turned her head so he could look adelaide directly in her eyes and then raised his voice.

"babe, you don't have to be scared to lose me. you don't have to be scared of ruining everything. i like you too. so so much. i just never said anything because i thought that you didn't feel the same way about me. you have no idea how much i want to kiss you right now", his last sentence was barely louder than a whisper.

adelaide's heart skipped a beat when she heard him saying those words but her smile slowly faded when her thoughts went back to her parents.
"doll, what's wrong?", chris asked her.
the blonde girl in front of him sighed and then answered "all os this, us, this is never going to work out. i would love nothing more than just walk around with you and hold your hand and kiss you but if my parents found out about this they'd never talk to me again. they're the only family i have left and i can't lose them too... i think you should go now." once again she couldn't look at the handsome guy that had just confessed how much he liked her. but she could imagine the hurt look on his face. "you can't be serious, adelaide. you can't just tell me to go after what you just told me, after what i just told you." adelaide had started crying again. "please chris, just go. please don't make this more difficult for me than it already is."
she didn't have to say anything else, that was enough for him to stand up and make his way to the door. the last thing he wanted to do was to hurt the girl that he'd grown attached to so much in the past few years.

when adelaide finally heard the front door close she completely broke down.


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