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adelaide what the fuck


so you and chris are a thing now, huh?

yes we are

and what was that with your parents

that's exactly why we're keeping it secret. they can't find out just yet. i know that one day i'll have to tell them but for now it's just chris and i. you don't have to understand that but that's how we want to do it.

addy, i 100% understand it and i 100% support your relationship. i just want to make sure that you're okay and happy. i know your parents and i know how much they love you. but i also know what they always thought about your friendship with chris. just know that i'll always be here for you, no matter what happens. i love you so much.

thank you angel i love you too
but now let's talk about you and sebastian

me and sebastian?

yes, you and sebastian 👀

there's nothing to talk about

oh come on i know that he texted you chris' number and i know that you two have been non stop talking ever since

1. how do you know about that?
2. we're just friends, there's nothing going on.

1. you know, sebastian is telling chris things.
2. he totally likes you but sure you're just friends



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