Meeting Him

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Milan was walking across the street from the construction site when she heard someone calling her from behind. "How you doin' sweetheart" said a fine caramel colored guy.

"I'm not your sweetheart and that's not how you address a lady..maybe your hoes like you talking to them like that but I don't now have a good day sir." I said walking away

"Wait a minute I didn't get your name." he called running after me

Maybe because I didn't give it to you..I don't know you and as far as I know you could be a serial killer or something."I said looking at him

He laughed "I can promise you I'm not a serial killer and if I was I wouldn't hurt a gorgeous lady like you."

"Oh so if I wasn't gorgeous you would hurt me." I asked curiously

"Nah it's not like that lor mama I_"

I looked at him and said "what I tell you about calling me something other than my name."I said

"I'm sorry but you never told me your name."he apologized

"It doesn't matter what my name is because we are never gonna see each other again so it's pointless."

"How do you know that unless your a psychic and I highly doubt that you are so I take it that you're just guessing."he said

"Oh trust me I know because I'm going to pick up my car later today so this is the first and the last day we will ever see each other."I replied

"Well my name is Brai'yon but my friends call me Skola.. you can call me either name if you want."he said

"How about I call you nothing because like I told you we will not be seeing each other anymore."

"Why you being so difficult all I'm asking is for your name you act like I'm asking for your social number or something."he said sounding frustrated

"I don't know you and you don't know me."I said

"We basically do cause we talking now but you being too stubborn to give me your name..but since you don't want to tell me I will just give you a nick name."he said while thinking of a name

"Why do you want to know my name so bad."I asked him

"Well I figured since we standing here talking and I told you mine that you would give me your name but it's cool cause I got the perfect name for you."he said smiling

"And what would that be mr.Brai."I asked smartly.

He looked at me with a beautiful smile and said "aww you gave me a nick name and your nick name is gonna be p.s.l."

"P.S.L.?what the hell does that stand for?."I questioned him

He burst out laughing and said "you really wanna know."

"Well I wouldn't have asked if I didn't now would i." I replied smartly

He laughed and said "you are one feisty lady but I love it."

"Lor boy just tell me what p.s.l. stand for so I can go."I said getting impatient with him

"OK sorry I was just stalling so I could have a little more time with you but on a serious note p.s.l. stand for pretty stubborn lady."he said looking at me

"Pshh I am not stubborn."I said knowing that I really am

"OK well what do you call not wanting to tell me your name after I told you mine and we had like a 10 minute talk."he asked waiting for my answer

"I call it being cautious like I said before I don't know you and you don't know me and although you seem cool I still have to be careful."I said seriously

He nodded his head understanding "how about you give me your number and we can get to know each other over dinner or something."

"No can do..I have plans already."I said obviously lying but he didn't need to know that

"Ard well take my number and whenever you get some free time give me a call."he said looking at me

I huffed "ard fine give me your number and when I get some free time I will call you."I said lying I don't plan on calling him but since he is so persistent I just decided to take his number

He was looking at me like I did something to him "what?" I asked

"Uhh you have to give me your phone so I can put my number in."he said in a duh tone

"Oh my bad I forgot."I exclaimed

"No you didn't you just didn't want to take my act like a nigga ugly or something."he laughed jokingly

"Well you do kinda look like a prairie dog or something of that nature."I joked

He laughed "damn then you can delete my number cause I know you don't have no ugly niggas numbers in your phone."

I laughed "I was just kidding and I don't have niggas so that should tell you that my phone is as dry as the Sahara desert."

"Well that's good to know cuz I'm da only nigga that should be calling your phone."he said smiling

"First, you are not my man so if niggas were calling my phone then that's OK and secondly you don't pay my phone bill I do."I replied

"You right."

"Of course I am..I'm Mi.."I stopped myself before I slipped up and told him my name

"OK now we getting somewhere I know ya name start with a M but I need a little more than that."he said

"Look I have to go."I said trying to get away from this sexy man

"OK I understand but make sure you use my number or imma hunt you down like a lion after his prey."he said smiling but seriously

"OK I will."I replied knowing it won't be no time soon

I started walking off when he hollered after me and said "have a nice day stubborn beauty".

Is Brai'yon and Milan gonna see each other again??

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