So we meet again part 1

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Mannn when I say lor mama had it going on she had it going on..she is the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on

"Yo Skola who was that sexy lor lady you was talking too." asked one of my nosy ass coworkers that took me out of my thoughts

"None of your business nosy ass nigga." I replied back

"I bet I can take her lor fine ass from you" he said

"First of all I don't bet on no females,secondly she is not mine yet,and thirdly nigga she don't want ya lor big bird looking ass so I don't have to bet cuz she won't give you the time of day". I said laughing at his goofball ass

"Yea,yea,yea it's plenty of sexy women out here so you can have her." he said feeling embarrassed and salty

"I already have her even tho we just met,I know she gonna be mine so you ain't nothing pimp."

"He saying you can have her cuz he already know he don't stand a chance so he tried to throw the "its plenty of sexy women out her" line ." another co-worker said while laughing

"Fuck all of y'all."he said while laughing with us

"But on a serious note shortie was bad."he said and we all agreed

"Instead of y'all sitting around laughing and talking about that girl,y'all need to be doing some work."this hating ass nigga said walking up to us

"Nigga if you don't go somewhere with yo pussy ass,imma beat the fuck outta you."I said getting mad

"Chill out Skola don't lose ya job over a bitch ass nigga who don't have nothing better to do than to start trouble with us cuz he a miserable dick sucker

I counted to 10 in my head but this caillou looking ass nigga keep trying me and imma beat his ass so bad they gonna think he flavor flav twin when I'm finished with him

"Yea you heard ya girlfriend chill out."he taunted

"You must want me to beat ya ass like you Tina and I'm Ike huh."I asked ready to deliver

"Like I was saying y'all go do some work before I tell boss man."his lor pussy ass said

"Yo imma only say this one time and one time only,snitches get stitches so I would watch what I say if I was you."I threatened

"Nigga I'm not scared of you or ya lor threat so get outta here with that you punk ass nigga."he laughed walking away

"Yo that punk ass nigga get on my last nerve,I just wanna fuck him up one good time and that will teach his ass about snitching and talking tough."I said hyped as hell

"Ard y'all I don't know about y'all but I'm bout to get back to work before the crybaby tell the boss about us not working."I joked

"Ard see y'all later."I dapped them up and went back to work


Later on that day

After work I stopped at the gas station to get some gas and snacks. As I was getting a strawberry kiwi mystic someone came beside me getting a bottle of water. I looked and seen that it was the beauty that I ran into this morning but she had on different clothes from earlier

"Hey beautiful i see we meet again but I vaguely remember you saying that we wouldn't see each other again."I said smiling

"Umm I'm sorry but who are you and where did we see each other."she asked looking confused

"Damn lor mama you don't remember your future husband..that's messed up shortie."I said pretending to be hurt

"Oh I'm sorry you're mistaking me with my twin sister..I just talked to her on the phone and she is on her way if you don't mind waiting."

"Nah I don't mind ma but let me just pay for my things and go put gas in my tank then I'll be back and good looking out sister in law."I said jokingly but also serious

"No problem brother in law..oh by the way my name is Madison but everybody calls me madi."she said holding her hand out for me to shake it

I nodded my head,shook it and said "my name is Brai'yon but everybody calls me Skola and your sister calls me Brai' so that's off limits but feel free to call me anything else but that."

"Oh must really be feeling my sister if she is the only one that can call you by your first name or give you a nick name but I will stick to Skola or bro."she said smiling

"Ok see you in a minute."I said and went to pay for my things

As I was pumping my gas a white on white fresh Audi pulled up and no other than my future wife stepped out and walked inside of the gas station. She didn't see me and that's a good thing because I wanted to surprise her and see the look on her face when she see me. I walked in and I see her talking to Madison. Madison spotted me and waved me over

"Hey brother in law."she said cheesing

After she said that my future wife turned around and had a look of shock and confusion on her face

"Madi why are you calling him brother in law."she asked

"Well he stepped to me thinking that I was you so I told him I was your twin and that you were on your way here so he stuck around just for you twin."said Madi

Milan was just standing there looking annoyed while Madi was shaking her head "why do you have to always be mean to people Mila."she asked her twin

So Braiyon thought he was talking to Milan but was really talking to her twin sister Madison

Is Milan gonna talk to Braiyon'??

Excuse the errors!!

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